(1.北京大学物理学院,北京 100871;2.中国气象科学研究院中国气象局人工影响天气中心)
A Case Analysis on Microphysical Characteristics of Summer Stratiform Cloud in Gansu Province
(1.School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871;2.Weather Modification Centre of CMA, Chinese of Meteorological Sciences)
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投稿时间:2008-06-24    修订日期:2008-10-20
中文摘要: 对2004年6月12日甘肃河西地区一次降水性层状云的云物理飞机探测结果进行了分析,通过对云中粒子的浓度、直径、二维图像以及谱型变化地研究,并结合宏观观测记录,详细分析了云系的垂直和水平微物理特征。观测资料分析表明:此次云系为Ac Sc结构,上层Ac云为纯冷云,下层Sc云为纯暖云,两层云之间存在较厚的干层。云中微物理量的垂直和水平变化均具有明显的不均匀性,整个探测过程中,FSSP 100所测云粒子的浓度和平均直径变化范围分别为0.1~232.6cm-3和3.5~45.5μm,OAP 2D GA2所测云
中文关键词: 微物理  飞机探测  层状云
Abstract:The cloud microphysical data measured by the airborne PMS probes in a precipitating stratiform cloud on June 12, 2004 in Hexi Corridor region of Gansu Province are analyzed. The cloud microphysical characteristics in both horizont al and vertical direction are presented through analyzing number concentration, mean diameter, shape and size distribution of cloud particles sampled with FSSP 100 probe and OAP 2D GA2 probe. The results show that the cloud is Ac Sc configuration, and dry layer between Ac and Sc clouds is deep. Both vertical and horizontal varieties of cloud microphysical parameter show obviously inhomogeneous features. Th e cloud particle number concentration measured by FSSP 100 changes from 0.1cm-3 to 232.6cm-3, and the mean diameter is around 3.5~45.5μm. The cha nge scopes of corresponding data explored with OAP 2D GA2 are respectively 0.0 1~1167L-1 and 32.2~995.7μm. The particle images indicate that the rimin g, accretion and aggregation of ice and snow crystals are quiet universal, and i t shows that the super cooled water content in cloud is high. There are high co ncentration regions above 6000m altitude. Growth of massive ice crystals consume s largely the super cooled water, sequentially restraining the production or gr owth of big particles. The cool cloud processes are dominant during precipitatio n, and warm cloud processes is not distinct in Sc cloud.
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Dang Juan,Wang Guanghe,Liu Weiguo,2009.A Case Analysis on Microphysical Characteristics of Summer Stratiform Cloud in Gansu Province[J].Meteor Mon,35(1):24-36.