(1.南京信息工程大学 江苏省气象灾害重点实验室 210044;2.南京信息工程大学)
A Diagnostic Analysis of PV and MPV on the Heavy Rain Caused by Typhoon Khanun
(1.Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Jiangsu Key Laborato ry of Meteorology Disaster, 210044;2. College of Atmospheric Sciences,Nanjin g University of Information Science & Technology)
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投稿时间:2008-03-08    修订日期:2008-06-01
中文摘要: 利用中尺度模式WRF对台风卡努模拟所输出的高分辨率资料,借助等熵位涡 及湿位涡的方法进行诊断分析,揭示台风暴雨过程中的中尺度系统演变特征以及探讨台风暴 雨发展与维持的机制。结果表明:等熵面位涡图的分析清楚地揭示了台风低压及周边环境的 位涡演变特征。暴雨区落在低层等熵面位涡高值中心的东北侧,或者在高层等熵面位涡高值 中心右侧最大位涡梯度处;等位温面向正位涡异常中心收拢,高层的高位涡值下传,高位涡 的干冷空气加强了低层的扰动,引起低层暖空气的抬升,这些条件促使对流不稳定能量与潜 热能的释放,有利于暴雨增幅;条
Abstract:By using the high resolution output data from mesoscale model WRF succ essfully simulating typhoon “Khanun”, with the diagnostic method of isentropic potential vorticity(IPV) and moist potential vorticity(MPV), the evolvement cha racteristic of mesoscale system is analyzed in the course of rainstorm and the m echanism of typhoon rainstorm development and maintenance is discussed. The resu lts show that the study of PV on isentropic surface reveals PV evolvement characteristic of typhoon low pressure and nearby, the rainstorm region lies i n the no rtheast part of high PV center on the lower isentropic surface or lies in the ri ght side of the maximum PV gradient on the upper isentropic surface. It also sho ws that high PV, including in dry and cold air, spreads downward from the upper layer to intensify the turbulence of lower layers along with the isentropic surf ace furling to the center of positive PV anomaly, which helps the release of pot ential instability energy and the amplification of rainstorm. Conditional symmet ry instability and convective instability can be considered as significant mecha nism of typhoon rainstorm development and maintenance. Meanwhile, the developmen t of mesoscale system in the rainstorm region agrees with slantwise vorticity de velopment theory.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40405009、4057022、40205008);江苏省气 象局科技开发项目(200406),江苏省气象灾害重点实验室项目(KLME050201);国家重点 基础研究发展规划项目(2004CB418301);江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2005141)
Huang Yi,Shou Shaowen,Fu Lingyan,2009.A Diagnostic Analysis of PV and MPV on the Heavy Rain Caused by Typhoon Khanun[J].Meteor Mon,35(1):65-73.