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(1.天津市气象台, 300074;2.国家气象中心)
Analysis of Causes of Heavy Rainfall in Haihe River Valley in August 2006
(1.Tianjin Meteorological Observatory, 300074;2.National Meteorological Center)
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投稿时间:2007-11-12    修订日期:2008-11-21
中文摘要: 在当前气候日趋变暖的大背景下,极端天气事件频发,为了认识暴雨的形成机理,提高海河 流域暴雨的预报能力,利用NCEP 1°×1°的6小时再分析资料和常规观测资料以及FY 2C卫 星云图资料,对2006年8月25—26日海河流域的暴雨过程,尤其是河北东部的大暴 雨进行了天气学诊断分析。分析结果表明,暴雨是产生在前期大气对流不稳定区域里,25日 20时到26日02时6小时雨量超过20mm的站点基本分布在对流层中低层湿位涡的负值区内, 低空急流为暴雨区输送大量的不稳定能量、热量以及动量,为暴雨的产生提供了充足的能
中文关键词: 流场  螺旋度  湿位涡  稳定度  水汽
Abstract:Currently, under the background of the growing climate warming, extrem e weather events occur frequently. In order to understand the formation mechani sm of heavy rain and to improve the forecasting ability of heavy rain in the Hai he River basin, a synoptic diagnostic analysis for the heavy rainfall process in the Haihe river valley, especially in the east of Hebei Province, is performed with NCEP 6 hourly reanalysis data with resolution 1°×1°, the routine observ ation data and FY 2C satellite data. The results show that the heavy rain origin ated in the preliminary instable atmospheric convection region, and the stations which have 6 hour precipitation of more than 20 mm from 20:00BT of August 25th to 02:00 BT of August 26th almost located in the negative value area of the moist potential vorticity (MPV) in the low and medium layer of the troposphere. Mass of instable energy, heat and momentum were conveyed by low level jet (LLJ) to th e heavy rain region, which provided sufficient energy and moisture for the forma tion of the rain. The heavy rain region located at the western edge of the great positive value center of helicity. In the upper air of the heavy rain region there were strong rotating updrafts, and in the period of rain, convergence in underly ing bed, divergence in high level and the suction function that the latter was stronger than the former were advantageous in strengthening the underlying bed co nvergence and the convective ascending movement, providing favorable dynamic con dition for the formation of heavy rain. Simultaneously, the vapor in the high tr oposphere also played a crucial role in the development of strong precipitation cloud cluster.
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He Qunying,Chen Tao,2009.Analysis of Causes of Heavy Rainfall in Haihe River Valley in August 2006[J].Meteor Mon,35(1):80-86.