(河南省濮阳市气象局, 457000)
Economy Loss Assessment of Flood Disaster in Puyang of Henan
(Puyang Meteorological Office, Henan Province 457000)
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投稿时间:2008-01-07    修订日期:2008-09-25
中文摘要: 根据1995—2004年濮阳高新区气象和洪灾实况资料,分析了洪灾时空分布及城市经济损失 特征。采用分等级、分资源类型的参数统计、回归分析和加权平均等方法,探讨了洪灾损失 的评估步骤和技术方法,建立了城市洪灾损失的定量评估系统模型。选用2005—2006年濮阳 高新区典型的洪灾事例验证该方法、模型的可行性,结果表明,洪灾损失评估定量计算结果 与社会经济损失调查统计数据比较接近。结论认为:洪灾损失评估模型能够快速、准确地对 洪灾损失作出定量评估,技术方法是可行、可操作的,为政府指挥防洪抗灾提供理论分析有 一定
Abstract:Based on the climatic data of Puyang,Henan and the data of flood disaster during 1995-2004, the spatial and temporal characteristic of flood dis aster and the urban economical loss were analyzed. By using regression analysis, weighted average and parameter statistics according to the rank and type of res ources, the assessment steps and technique of flood disaster loss are discussed, and a quantitative assessment model of urban disaster loss was established. The feasibility of the model was validated by analyzing flood cases during 2005-200 6, one of which was a typhoon precipitating process on July 22-24, 2005 with pre cipitation amount of 215.9mm. The result indicates that the quantitatively calc ulated loss of flood disaster is quite agreement with the statistics of flood di saster loss investigation. It shows that the model can quickly and accurately ev aluate the loss of flood disaster. Meanwhile, the technique is feasible and oper ational, and is valuable for the authority to prevent and mitigate the flood dis aster.
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Li Hanjin,Wang Yunhang,Zhang Xiangmei,Han Xiangbing,Gao Zhijun,Wang Jianying,Li Liping,2009.Economy Loss Assessment of Flood Disaster in Puyang of Henan[J].Meteor Mon,35(1):97-101.