(广西桂林市气象局, 541001)
Analysis of Spatial Temporal Characteristics of Flood/Drought and Circulation Characteristics in Winter and Autumn in Guangxi
(Guilin Meteorological Office, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 541001)
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投稿时间:2008-06-02    修订日期:2008-10-13
中文摘要: 利用广西88个站点1961—2006年的逐月降水资料,采用Z指数定义方法,对秋季和冬 季进行旱涝等级划分。采用EOF分解对旱涝等级场展开分解,得出广西秋季和冬季的旱涝时 空分布和年际变化特征,分析结果表明:全区性偏涝或偏旱是秋冬季旱涝分布的主要型态; 各季时间系数出现极大或极小值的年份与广西发生干旱或洪涝的年份有着很好的对应关系; 秋季时间系数在近几年为正值,振幅较大,说明近年来广西秋季旱情明显。对旱涝同期的50 0hPa环流进行了分析,结果表明:500hPa高度场上,秋季涝年在乌拉尔山东面的槽明显比旱
Abstract:Based on the monthly precipitation data of 88 observing stations in Gua ngxi from 1961 to 2006, drought and flood grades in winter and autumn are divide d with the method of Z index, and the annual change and spatial-temporal charact eristics are obtained with EOF. The results show that the overall dry in Guangxi is the main type. There exists a positive correlation between the frequency of flood and drought and the time coefficient. The circulation characteristic at 50 0 hPa in the same season is analyzed. The results show that in flooding autum n, the trough at the eastern part of Ural is deeper, the high pressure in the So uth Sea is stronger and the subtropical high is weaker than in drought autumn. W hile in flooding winter, the high pressure is in North and the low pressure in S outh. The cold air path inclined to the south, and the geo-potential height is l ow at the Tibetan Plateau, which can lead small trough moving eastward and affec ting Guangxi.
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Tang Wubin,2009.Analysis of Spatial Temporal Characteristics of Flood/Drought and Circulation Characteristics in Winter and Autumn in Guangxi[J].Meteor Mon,35(1):108-113.