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投稿时间:2008-11-21 修订日期:2009-02-18
投稿时间:2008-11-21 修订日期:2009-02-18
中文摘要: 利用多种观测资料和数值模拟,对0604号强热带风暴碧利斯登陆后在湖 南、广东等地引发强降水的中尺度对流系统活动特征进行了分析。结果表明,在“碧利斯 ”登陆后西行减弱过程中,由于西南季风的持续维持,“碧利斯”减弱后的低压环流中仍保 持有强降水所需的充足水汽供应,造成局地强降水的MCS十分活跃。ARPS模式较好地模拟了7 月15日发生在湖南南部的中尺度降雨过程,并揭示出“碧利斯”变性过程中,环境风场垂直 切变结构强迫的次级环流决定了MCS活动特点,同时利用湿〖WTHX〗Q〖WT〗矢量诊断了低压 次级环流的垂直 运动特征。造成这次强降水过程的MCS在台风低压切变线以北的偏北潮湿气流中生成发展 ,低层偏北急流造成的动力辐合效应、对流不稳定性层结的建立是MCS在湖南南部迅速发展 的重要原因。
Abstract:The characteristics of meso scale convection systems(MCS) associated with t he remnant of the downgraded severe tropical storm Bilis are studied using vario us kinds of observation data and numerical simulation. During Bilis’s going int o inland of southern part of China, the MCS developed quickly and kept active du e to the maintenance of southwest monsoon. A high resolution simulation by ARPS model gave almost the same rainfall patterns with the observation. Analysis was carried out using modeling data for studying the 3 dimension structure and evol ution of the MCS. During the downgrading process of Bilis, obvious baroclinic st ructure generated, and the secondary circulation induced by vertical shear of en vironment flow determined the MCS activities. The moist 〖WTHX〗Q〖WTBZ〗 vector was also applied for the research of vertical motion of Bilis. MCS in the southern Hunan Province almost developed in north of horizontal wind shear
line, which was under constrains of the low level convective instability conditi ons and northerly jet convergence.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
Qian Chuanhai,Lu Xiujuan,Chen Tao,2009.Numerical Simulation of Heavy Rainfall Associated with Severe Tropical Storm Bilis [J].Meteor Mon,35(4):11-19.
Qian Chuanhai,Lu Xiujuan,Chen Tao,2009.Numerical Simulation of Heavy Rainfall Associated with Severe Tropical Storm Bilis [J].Meteor Mon,35(4):11-19.