(国家气象中心, 北京 100081)
Activity of Dry Cold Air and Its Impacts on Meiyu During 2008 Meiyu Period
(National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2008-12-31    修订日期:2009-03-06
中文摘要: 利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了2008年梅汛期暴雨过程中干冷空气侵入对暴雨发 生、发展和维持的作用。结果表明:梅雨期中高纬度环流的演变和调整与暴雨过程密切相关 ,亚洲北部阻塞高压(高压脊)的建立和维持,使得500hPa高度上西风锋区南压,导致干冷 空气南下,极涡活动的异常偏东和加强有助于冷空气向江淮流域输送,有利于江淮流域暴雨 的发展。在江淮流域梅雨期间,干冷空气的活跃与暴雨过程相对应。干冷空气来源于中高纬 度和中高层。干冷空气侵入有利于对流层中高层干层的形成和维持。而且,干冷空气侵入是 梅雨湿度锋形成和维持的一个重要动力和热力原因。在此研究基础上,归纳出中期预报着眼 点,供实际业务预报参考使用。
Abstract:By employing the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the characteristics of the dry cold air activity, the dry cold air intrusion and evolution, as well as its impacts o n the torrential rain during the 2008 Meiyu period are diagnosed.It is shown th at there exists a close relationship between the evolution of the circulation ov er the mid high latitudes and the torrential rain process, and the establishmen t and maintenance of the blocking anticyclone (pressure ridge) over Northern A sia lead to the southward movement of the westerly frontal zone and the dry co ld air. The abnormal eastward movement and the enhancement of the polar cyclone transfer the dry cold air to the Changjiang River and the Huaihe River Basins, t hus enhance the torrential rain over that area. It is also revealed that the nor therly activities are in coherence with the torrential rain process, the dry cold air comes from the mid high latitudes and the mid high level. The Cha ngjiang River and the Huaihe River Basins locate in the low level air convergenc e area. The north wind plays an important role in the enhancement of the converg ence in the lower level and the divergence in the upper leve1.The dry cold air i ntrusion contributes to the formation and maintenance of the dry level. The dry cold air intrusion is one of the important dynamical and thermal causes for the formation and maintenance of moist front during the Meiyu period. At last, the k eys of mid range forecast are summarized on the basis of these results.
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Zhang Zhigang,Jin Ronghua,Niu Ruoyun,Kong Qi,Qin Huafeng,2009.Activity of Dry Cold Air and Its Impacts on Meiyu During 2008 Meiyu Period [J].Meteor Mon,35(4):25-33.