(1.四川省气象台,成都 610072;2.四川省内江市气象局)
Trigger Role of the Low level Jet for the Continuous Rainstorm in the Northwest Side of Subtropical High
(1.Sichuan Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Chengdu 610072;2.Neijiang Meteorological Office of Sichuan Province)
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投稿时间:2008-11-14    修订日期:2009-01-09
中文摘要: 利用NCEP1°×1°再分析资料、常规高空及地面资料,对2008年9月22—26日四川盆地西北 部连续性暴雨的形成机制进行探讨。结果表明:此次暴雨产生在副高异常强盛和强台风黑格 比登陆西进的环流背景下,过程期间500hPa无低值系统影响,暴雨的主要触发系统是副高和 台风外围持续强劲的东南风低空急流,持续的东南风低空急流为暴雨区输送了源源不断的水 汽和不稳定能量,急流最大风速出口区辐合及地形抬升为暴雨形成提供了辐合上升的动力条 件,过程期间暴雨区位于一个稳定正环流的上升支中。另外,冷空气在此次过程中也起到了 重要的作用。
中文关键词: 低空急流  副高  暴雨
Abstract:Using NCEP global 1°×1° final analysis data and the conventional high altit ude and surface data,the formation mechanism of the continuous rainstorm in the northwest side of subtropical high is discussed. The results show that the he avy rain happened in the background of the exceptionally powerful subtropical h igh and the strong Typhoon “Hagupit” landing westward, and there is no low va lue system impact on 500hPa during the course. The main trigger systems are the subtropical high and continued strong southeast wind of low level jet out of the typhoon. Continuous southeast wind of low level jet provides rainstorm area the continuous water vapor and instability energy. The largest rapid zonal convergence speed and terrain elevation for the formation of rainstorm provide a driving force for increasing convergence conditions. The heavy rain district is located in a stable branch of ascendant circulation. In addition, the cold air in the proc ess played an important role.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“青藏高原低涡切变线形成维持机制研究”(40 775032)资助
Gu Qingyuan,iao Dixiang,Huang Chuhui,Shi Rui,Chen Maoqiang,2009.Trigger Role of the Low level Jet for the Continuous Rainstorm in the Northwest Side of Subtropical High[J].Meteor Mon,35(4):59-67.