(1.河北秦皇岛气象台, 066000;2.南京大学大气科学系)
Analysis on Meso γ Scale and Meso β Scale Downpour in Coastal Zone of Hebei 11 Aug. 2008
(1.Meteorological Observatory of Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province 066000;2.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University)
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投稿时间:2008-12-01    修订日期:2009-02-17
中文摘要: 2008年8月11日渤海西岸区的抚宁县牛头崖镇(05—06时)、唐海站(12—13时)分别出 现小时雨量超100mm的突发性中γ、β尺度大暴雨天气过程。利用秦皇岛和天津CINRAD/SA 雷达资料、中尺度天气学物理量诊断、河北MM5预报结果、山海关探空及自动站加密分钟资 料同步分析,结合中β尺度回波带与降水峰值对应分析。初步得出:在同一“母体”中 尺度回波带背景下,不同时刻中γ、β尺度降水系统互相扰动导致大暴雨发生,前者为普通 多单体风暴,距“母体”回波带100km、300km空间剖面呈波动形态传播,与上游重力波激发 有关;后者为减弱的母体回波带底部新生强多单体风暴,与海岸弱切变扰动和热力因子有关 ;尺度界定基于雷达GPS回波质心定位与加密站雨区面积GIS信息校对;探讨了0~1小时海岸 带地区致灾暴雨的中小尺度系统可预报性因子,为临近预警时效“后延”的研究,提供一 些新的预报依据。
Abstract:A meso γ scale and meso β scale downpour took place at Niutouya town of Funi ng County that located in the western bank of Bohai Sea from 5:00 to 6:00, o n 11 August, 2008. The same thing also happened in Tanghai County, and their pr ecipitations all exceed 100 mm per hour. Using CINRAD/SA radar data in Qinhuangd ao and in Tianjin, the physical quantity field of the mesoscale meteorology, MM5 model output, in Shanhaiguan, the synchronous data of the dense observations recorded once per minute, the relationship between meso β scale echo band and the peak value of the precipitation was analyzed. The tentative result shows that the downpour is resulted from the mutual perturbation between the mes o β scale system and the meso γ scale system under the background of the mes os cale echo band in the same matrix at different time. The former is the common mu lti cell storm with the distance of 100km away from the matrix of echo band. It can spread in wave form on the space profile of 300km, and is related to stirri ng of gravity wave. The latter is the strong multi cell storm, which would emer ge later on the bottom of the matrix of a weakening echo band, involved in the p erturbation of weak shear and the thermodynamic factor. The scale defined is fo und on radar GPS positioning of the centroid and GIS information proofing in the dense observational network. The predictable factors of meso small scale syste m on disastrous downpour have been explored 0—1 hour before its occurring in th e coastal zone, so that they can provide some prediction basis for early warning .
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Li Yanjing,Gao Chen,Zhou Yanjun,Wu Jie,2009.Analysis on Meso γ Scale and Meso β Scale Downpour in Coastal Zone of Hebei 11 Aug. 2008 [J].Meteor Mon,35(4):94-101.