(1.湖南省防雷中心,长沙 410007;2.国防科技大学计算机学院;3.湖南省气候中心;4.湖南湘西自治州气象台)
Research and Development of Visualized Analysis System of Lightning Disaster Data
(1.Lightning Protection Center of Hunan Province, Changsha 410007;2.Computer Department of National University of Defense Technology;3.Climate Center of Hunan Province;4.Xiangxi Meteorological Bureau of Hunan Province)
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投稿时间:2008-08-10    修订日期:2009-02-24
中文摘要: 随着社会和经济的发展,雷电灾害造成的经济损失和社会影响越来越大。为了研究 雷电灾害发生、发展规律和分布特征,实现相关数据可视化分析,通过基于GIS和ActiveX自 动化技术的等值线绘制技术、基于数据库的闪电密度图和极性图绘制策略、基于自绘图层的 多普勒雷达图快速绘制方法和基于GIS的闪电数据与雷达回波数据叠加等多种技术手段,研 制了雷电灾害数据可视化分析系统VASLDD(Visualized Analysis System of Lightning Di saster Data)。该系统使用图表、GIS专题图、等值线、密度图等多种方式,实现雷灾调查 数据、雷暴日数据、雷达数据、闪电定位数据的可视化分析,为防雷部门业务和科研工作提 供有力的技术支撑。
中文关键词: 可视化  雷电灾害  分析系统
Abstract:With the development of society and economy, lightning disasters becom e more and more influential in the economic losses and society. In order to inve stigate the distribution characteristics and development law of lightning disast ers and realize the visualization analysis of lightning disasters, a visual anal ysis system for lightning disaster data, named VASLDD, was established by means of the rapid rendering method for Doppler radar figure based on user draw layer , the drawing strategy of lighting density figure and polarity figure based on d atabase, rapid merging display technology of Doppler radar data and lightning direction finder data. By means of graph, thematic map of GIS, contour map and choroplethic map etc, the system re alizes the visual analysis of lightning disasters, thunderstorms day, lightning etc. VASLDD has become a powerful tool for operational and research work.
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基金项目:本文受中国气象局新技术推广项目( No.CMATG2008M46)湖南省局重点课题(No.200602)共同资助。
Wang Zhigang,Tang Yao,Zeng Xianghong,Peng Jie,2009.Research and Development of Visualized Analysis System of Lightning Disaster Data [J].Meteor Mon,35(5):97-104.