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投稿时间:2008-05-29 修订日期:2009-04-03
投稿时间:2008-05-29 修订日期:2009-04-03
中文摘要: 根据2002年在ACE Asia和TRACE P试验中获得的亚洲区域污染源排放资料,结合由MICAPS
能见度观测资料估算而得的颗粒物排放资料,利用美国EPA最新发展的Models 3/CMAQ模
Abstract:A strong sandstorm of North China in 2002 was simulated with the Models 3/CMAQ
system newly developed by US EPA. The pollution source data were based on the AC
E Asia and TRACE P Experiments in 2002, and the particulate emission data were
estimated by the visibility range from MICAPS observations. The results show th
at, (1) the spatio temporal evolvement and the mutual relationship of gas
eous pollutants are consistent with the common regulation derived from observati
ons. (2) The simulation of coarse PM also reflects the observational facts: The
diurnal trend of both fine and coarse PM first falls and then raises; The PM so
urce before
SDS is near surface emission while the PM source after SDS becomes upper air’s
transportation of dust; Pollution of coarse PM is dominant; (3) This air qual
ity model system can be used for further development on dust aerosols.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
放课题2709;中国气象局上海台风研究所开放课题 2006STB02联合资助
Wang Yibai,Fei Jianfang,Huang Xiaogang,2009.A Preliminary Research on Application of Models-3/CMAQ Model to a Strong Dust in North China[J].Meteor Mon,35(6):46-53.
Wang Yibai,Fei Jianfang,Huang Xiaogang,2009.A Preliminary Research on Application of Models-3/CMAQ Model to a Strong Dust in North China[J].Meteor Mon,35(6):46-53.