(1.重庆市气候中心, 401147;2.中国科学院大气物理研究所;3.中国科学院研究生院;4.重庆市人工影响天气 办公室)
Study on Anomalies of Atmospheric Circulation and Water Vapor Field of the Heavy Drought in Sichuan Chongqing Region in Midsummer 2006
(1.Chongqing Climate Center, 401147;2.Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chine se Academy of Sciences;3.Graduate University of Chine se Academy of Sciences;4.The Weather Modification Office of Chongqing)
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投稿时间:2008-05-13    修订日期:2009-04-21
中文摘要: 2006年盛夏川渝地区发生了严重的伏旱灾害,通过对同期大气环流异常的诊断分析表 明,2006年盛夏期间,我国川渝地区上空存在由东北向西南的异常水汽输送,从中南半岛到 西南地区持续存在经向水汽输送的负异常中心,导致川渝地区上空维持着一个水汽输送辐散 异常的中心,这种水汽输送形势有利于伏旱灾害的发展。西太平洋副高较常年持续异常偏北 、偏西,强度偏强,它与东伸的伊朗高压及异常的青藏高压一起构成一条高压带,这也在很 大程度上促进了川渝地区持续伏旱灾害的发展。
中文关键词: 伏旱  大气环流  水汽场  异常
Abstract:In order to study the disaster of the heavy drought occurring in Sichuan Chongq ing Region in midsummer 2006, the atmospheric circulation anomaly over East Asia is analyzed to investigate the causes of the drought. The results sho w that there is a abnormal water vapor transport from northeast to southwest and a negative abnormal belt of the meridional water vapor transport from Sichuan C hongqing Region to Indo China, which lead to a center of the abnormal divergen ce of the water vapor over Sichuan Chongqing Region. This kind of situation of the abnormal water vapor field is advantageous to the development of the drought. At the same time, the subtropical high over the western Pacific that is stronger and extends westward and northward far more contrasting to the case of climate mean, together with the extending eastward Iranian high and the abnormal Tibetan high constitute a belt of high pressure. This abnormal situation of high pressu re accelerates the development of the drought to a large degree. 
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基金项目:中国气象局气候变化专项“川渝地区极端高温干旱发生规律及成因研究 ”(CCSF2007 24),中国气象局“三峡库区气候监测、预警、评估业务运行和改进”业务 建设项目和重庆市科技攻关项目(CSTC2008AB0015)共同资助
Liu Xiaoran,Yang Qian,Cheng Bingyan,2009.Study on Anomalies of Atmospheric Circulation and Water Vapor Field of the Heavy Drought in Sichuan Chongqing Region in Midsummer 2006[J].Meteor Mon,35(8):27-34.