(湖北省人工影响天气办公室,武汉 430074)
Application of Data Observed by Several Instruments in Effective Verification of Artificial Precipitation Enhancement
(Hubei Provincial Weather Modification Office, Wuhan 430074)
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投稿时间:2008-08-29    修订日期:2009-05-20
中文摘要: 针对2007年湖北省在鄂东地区组织的4次外场试验作业,应用对流云人工增雨 雷达效果分析软件选择对比云的方法,对催化目标云和对比云的多普勒天气雷达参数的变化 特征进行了对比分析,并应用X波段双偏振雷达资料、FY2C卫星资料、闪电定位仪、加密雨 量站等资料,对催化效果进行了初步分析。结果显示,催化后,目标云发生了比较明显的变 化,回波强度、强回波面积、回波顶高、液态含水量、强回波高度等催化后均增大,约半小 时内都能达到最强;而对比云增大率比目标云小,或者没有增大,目标云生命期比对比云长 。双偏振因子线性退极化比极小值变小,极小值区域面积变大;较大零延迟相关系数的面积 也有所增大。FY2C卫星反演云参数不能有效地检验强对流云的催化效果,而对于层状云,云 顶高度上升,云顶温度降低,过冷层厚度增大,有效粒子半径维持大粒子水平,云顶黑体亮 温下降。闪电频数在催化后也有所增多,主要发生在催化后约半小时内。强回波中心对应的 分钟雨强在催化后半小时内达到最高,降雨主要集中在从约第10分钟开始的20分钟内,与对 比云相比,目标云降水时间长,降水强度大。
Abstract:By using the data observed by Doppler weather radar, dual linear polarization a nd entire phase parameter weather radar (on 3 cm wave band), lightning locati on net and precipitation observation stations, the effect of 4 seeding experimen ts in eastern Hubei in 2007 are analyzed. The results show that there are incre asing changes of the Doppler echo characteristics of the target cloud in short time after seeding, including the intensity and area of strong ec hoes, echo tops, the value and the area of larger VIL, these factors reach the m aximum in 25 min. Compared with the contrast cloud, the enlargement rate of seed ed cloud is large. The FY2C data cannot reflect the seeding effect on convective cloud, but on stratus cloud, the cloud top height rises while the cloud top te mperature reduces, super cooled cloud thickness increases, the effective partic le radius maintains the big granule level and the cloud top brightness temperatu re drops. The dual polarization factors including Ldr and ρhv (area of l arge value), the frequency (maximum appearing at 18th minute) and intensity of l ightning all vary. Main rainfall period is centralized in half an hour from the 10th minute, and the rainfall intensity and duration of seeded cloud are more th an those of contrast cloud.
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Tang Renmao,Xiang Yuchun,Ye Jianyuan,Yuan Zhengteng,Chen Yingying,Liu Jian,2009.Application of Data Observed by Several Instruments in Effective Verification of Artificial Precipitation Enhancement [J].Meteor Mon,35(8):70-75.