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(1.浙江省金华市气象局, 321000;2.浙江省嘉兴市气象局)
Climatic Characteristics Analysis and the Disaster Defense of Wire Icing in Jinhua City in the Recent 56 Years
(1.Jinhua Meteorological Office, Zhejiang Province, 321000;2.Jiaxing Meteorological Office)
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投稿时间:2008-08-07    修订日期:2009-04-03
中文摘要: 利用金华市1953—2008年56年的逐日雨凇、雾凇资料,分析了电线积冰日的年代、年、季节 、月变化,电线积冰起止时间、持续期、持续时间、最大直径等气候特征,并对金华电线积 冰形成条件、灾害特点进行了分析。结果表明:金华市年平均电线积冰日数为0.8天;集中 在冬季,1月最多,2月次之,12月最少;电线积冰可出现在一天的任何时间;最早初日是12 月10日,最晚终日是2月19日;电线积冰持续时间最长64小时,最大直径为16mm;雨凇形成 条件与雾凇不同,最大直径相近时雨凇灾害更严重,高海拔山区的电力冰灾比丘陵盆地严重 。根据电线积冰灾害的特点,提出了加强灾害防御的具体措施。
中文关键词: 电线积冰  雨凇  雾凇  气候特征  灾害防御
Abstract:Based on the daily observation data of rain rime and fog rime in Jinhu a during 1953-2008, characters of wire icing, such as the variatio n in the age, year, season, month, and the beginning and ending time, the durati on, the largest diameter were analyzed. At the same time, the analyses of the fo rmation conditions and characters of the disaster of wire icing in Jinhua were carried out. Th e results showed that the average day of wire icing in Jinhua was 0.8 d each year , which concentrated in winter. The maximum appeared in January, followed by Febr uary, and the minimum appeared in December. Wire icing can occur at any time in one day. The first date of the appearance of wire icing was on December 10, and the latest date was on February 19. The longest duration was 64 h, and the largest diameter was 16 mm. The formation conditions of rain rime and fog rime were different. The disaster of rain rime was worse than the fog rime when thelargest diameter of them was the same. And the ice disaster in electric power was more serious in high mountains than in hills or basins. Finally, specific measures a bout the defense of the disaster were put forward based on the analysis of chara cteristics of wire icing.
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Chen Baikun,Gao Qinglin,Wu Mingjiang,2009.Climatic Characteristics Analysis and the Disaster Defense of Wire Icing in Jinhua City in the Recent 56 Years [J].Meteor Mon,35(8):85-90.