(1.江西省气象台, 南昌 330046;2.上海中心气象台)
Diagnostic Analysis of a Convection Torrential Rain in South of Cold Front
(1.Jiangxi Provincial Meteorological Observatory, Nanchang 330046;2.Shanghai Meteorological Center)
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投稿时间:2008-12-29    修订日期:2009-07-20
中文摘要: 利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP资料、卫星、雷达和地面加密观测等资料,对2008年5月27—2 8日江西北部一次冷锋南侧(冷锋前)对流性暴雨过程进行天气动力学诊断分析和中尺度分 析。结果表明:(1)对流性暴雨出现在冷锋前的主要原因是:各层槽线位置近于垂直,锋 面陡峭,并出现前倾槽结构;冷锋前低层暖湿气流异常强盛,下暖湿上干冷使对流不稳定能 量增强;当冷锋移近、气旋波发展东移和低空急流加强,触发了冷锋前对流不稳定能量释放 。(2)本次暴雨具有明显中小尺度特征,共有4个β中尺度对流系统沿地面冷锋南侧发展东 移,850 hPa的中尺度辐合线、地面中低压和中尺度辐合线、云顶亮温低值区、强回波区及 雷达速度图上逆风区等均揭示中小尺度扰动系统存在,且中小尺度扰动系统与暴雨雨团对应 很好。
Abstract:Based on the routine data, NCEP data, satellite images, radar data, and the dens ified observations, a dynamical diagnosis of the convect ion torrential rain in south of cold front on 28 May 2008 in the northern part o f Jingxi Province is ma de. The results show that (1) the convection torrential rain south of cold front was due to the several main reasons, such as, all nearly vertical troughs at various levels, precipitous front surfaces, forwarded tilting trou gh structure, extremely strong lower warm and wet air flows ahead of the cold front, greatly increased unstabl e energy of the convection formed by warm, wet below and dry, cold above convect ions, and the low level southwest jet stream strengthening when the cold front moving closely and cyclone wave moving east. All of these factors resulted in t he unstable energy release from the convection. (2) This torrential rain showed the characteristics on obvious meso and small scales that had four meso β scale convection systems moving to the east along the ground cold front. The gr ound mesoscale cy clone, the mesoscale convergence line, the strong echo area, the head wind zon e, and the 850hPa mesoscale convergence line, all demonstrated the presence of the mesoscale perturbation. Furthermore, mesoscale perturbation was well corre lated to the convective rain cluster.
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Yin Jie,Wu Jing,Cao Xiaogang,Chen Yunhui,2009.Diagnostic Analysis of a Convection Torrential Rain in South of Cold Front[J].Meteor Mon,35(11):39-47.