(1.中国气象局 沈阳大气环境研究所, 沈阳 110016;2.National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA)
Experiment of Doppler Radar Data Assimilation for Convection in Cold Vortex
(1.Institute of Atmospheric Environment, CMA, Shenyang 110016;2.National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder USA)
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投稿时间:2009-01-07    修订日期:2009-08-07
中文摘要: 应用WRF模式的三维变分同化系统(WRF 3DVAR),对沈阳多普勒天气雷达资料在东 北冷涡暴雨个例中的同化应用进行了试验。研制了多普勒雷达资料质量控制系统,实现了对 径向风和反射率因子的直接同化,不但可以反演中尺度三维气象要素场,而且可以为模式提 供初始场。以天气尺度资料为背景场同化多普勒雷达资料,WRF 3DVAR可以较好地反演冷涡 中尺度对流系统的三维结构,反演的地面强对流辐散气流及在对流层中层涡旋都符合中尺度 系统概念模型,通过与实际地面探测资料进行了对比,风场环流基本接近,同化了雷达资料 的气象要素场可为预报业务提供较好的包含中小尺度系统的实时三维分析场。通过冷涡个例 同化试验,应用WRF 3DVAR同化雷达资料后,中尺度模式对对流降水的预报总体有正的影响 ,对强对流中的一些中小尺度雨团的预报也略有改善。
Abstract:The experiment of Shenyang Doppler radar data assimilation was mad e using WRF 3DVAR system. The quality control system of Doppler radar data was developed. The 3DVAR system is able to assimilate both radial winds and reflecti vity directly, [JP2]not only can retrieve meso scale 3 D meteorological elemen t fields but also can offer initial fields to model. Thecan retrieve the mesoscale 3 D structure of convective system in cold vortex well using synoptic sca le data as background field. The surface strong convective divergent flow and vo rtex in the middle troposphere retrieved were in accord with conceptual model an d th e wind fields retrieved were closed to surface observations. The meteorological element fields which have assimilated Doppler radar data can be offered to fore casting operation as real time analysis for they include mesoscale weather syste m. After assimilating radar case data of cold vortex over Northeast China, the model forecasts improved slightly for mesoscale and small scale convective syst em. Assimilating radar data made positive effects on model forecasts in general.
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Chen Liqiang1,Yang Sen,Xiao Qingnong,2009.Experiment of Doppler Radar Data Assimilation for Convection in Cold Vortex[J].Meteor Mon,35(12):12-20.