(湖北省人工影响天气办公室, 武汉 430074)
A Method for Selecting Contrast Cloud Automatically Based on Radar Echo in Effectiveness Evaluation of Rain Enhancement
(Weather Modification Office of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430074)
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投稿时间:2008-10-21    修订日期:2009-12-08
中文摘要: 针对对流云人工增雨作业效果的物理检验,提出了一种根据雷达回波参量自动选取对比云并进行效果分析的方法。以多普勒雷达的数据产品为基础,在作业时存在的所有对流单体中,通过比较它们与目标云的生成时间和空间位置,并应用相似离度法判别从其初始生成到作业时的回波参量及其变化特征的相似程度,自动找出对比云,最后给出在整个生命期内目标云的回波参量随时间的变化情况,以及目标云和对比云回波参量在同一时刻和同一发展时期的比较结果。依据该方法,研制了对流云人工增雨雷达效果分析软件。试验证明:该方法实用性较强,能够快速识别出对比云,在一定程度上消除人为判别的误差,提高对流云人工增雨作业效果分析的科学性。
Abstract:A method of selecting contrast cloud automatically and analyzing the seeding effect according to radar echo parameters is brought forward, aiming at physical test of convective cloud precipitation enhancement. Based on the Doppler radar data products, the contrast cloud is selected automatically in all convective cells at the very time when seeding by comparing their beginning time, position and orientation with those of seeded cloud, and calculating the analog deviation of varying characteristics of echo parameters before seeding. Then, it is presented the variation of echo parameters of seeded cloud and comparison between echo parameters of seeded cloud and that of contrast cloud. In view of this method, a set of seeding effect analysis software of convective cloud rainfall enhancement with radar products has been designed and developed. The software has been used in the precipitation enhancement operation experiments in Hubei Province. The results show that this method can identify the contrast cloud in real time, eliminate errors caused by man made judging to some extent, and make the effect analysis on convective cloud rainfall enhancement more scientifically.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“中国地面气温变化趋势中的城市化影响”(编号:40575039)和国家“十一五”科技支撑计划课题(编号:2007BAC03A01、2007BAC29B02) 资助
TANG Renmao,YUAN Zhengteng,XIANG Yuchun,YE Jianyuan,LIU Jian,GAO Jin,2010.A Method for Selecting Contrast Cloud Automatically Based on Radar Echo in Effectiveness Evaluation of Rain Enhancement[J].Meteor Mon,36(4):96-100.