(国家气象中心, 北京 100081)
Characteristics of Climate Change in the North China Plain for Recent 45 Years
(National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2008-05-15    修订日期:2009-09-05
中文摘要: 为研究华北平原气候时空变化特征,选用华北平原53站1961—2005年逐日气象资料,采用趋势分析法分析华北平原主要气候要素时空演变特征,利用M-K突变检验法确定气候要素突变年。结果表明:年平均气温升高趋势明显,尤其是20世纪90年代以后;降水量总体变化趋势不明显,20世纪80年代中后期开始,由多雨期转为少雨期;近45年来华北平原的气候经历了一个“冷湿 暖干”的变化过程;年日照时数减少趋势明显。华北平原增温主要在1—4月;降水量在多雨的4月、7、8月减少趋势明显;光照变差的主要原因是夏季和冬春季日照时数的减少。空间上,南北之间温差呈减小趋势,而降水量和日照时数之差则相反。气温升高使得积温增加,热量资源更加丰富。
Abstract:A statistical analysis of the temporal and spatial changes of mainly climatic elements over the North China Plain was conducted, based on the daily climatic data of 53 stations from 1961  to 2005 by using the trend analysis, and the jumping point of temperature was fixed by using the Mann Kendall test method. It was found that the climate was warming up in the last 45 years, in particular in the 1990s. For annual precipitation, no significant trend was found on the basis of long term change. Precipitation gradually decreased in the middle and later period of the 1980s. Thus, it was believed that climatic variation in the North China Plain over the 45 years experienced a course of humid cold to dry warm. And the sunshine duration was decreasing significantly. The climate change feature of each month was characterized by monthly linear inclination rates which showed that from January to April, the temperature increased most remarkably, the precipitation decreased most obviously in summer and April, and the sunshine duration decreased rapidly in summer, winter and spring. The results also showed that the temperature difference between the south part and the north part was getting smaller, but the precipitation and sunshine duration were opposite. The heat resources were more abundant for the whole area as the result of the climate warming up.
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TAN Fangying,WANG Jianlin,SONG Yingbo,2010.Characteristics of Climate Change in the North China Plain for Recent 45 Years[J].Meteor Mon,36(5):40-45.