(1.兰州大学大气科学学院, 兰州 730000 天津塘沽气象局,天津 300456;2.天津塘沽气象局,天津 300456;3.X天津市气象局, 天津 300074)
Characteristic Analysis of the Abnormal Increasing Water by Storm Surge Under the Background of Off Shore Wind
(1.College of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000 Tanggu Meteorological Observatory, Tianjin 300456;2.Tanggu Meteorological Observatory, Tianjin 300456;3.Tianjin Meteorological Bureau, Tianjin 300074)
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投稿时间:2008-11-17    修订日期:2009-10-22
中文摘要: 渤海湾在8月份出现由温带气旋引发高达518 cm的风暴潮属小概率事件。作者应用天气图、卫星云图、自动站观测资料及天津海洋局潮位资料,对2008年8月天津港发生的两次风暴潮异常增水过程进行了特征分析,得到气象因子对风暴潮的影响关系,为预报风暴潮提供依据;进一步探讨了在离岸风即西北风作用下产生风暴增水的条件和机制。结果表明,温带风暴潮过程增水强度大(最大增水121 cm)且持续时间长(达15小时);分析了气旋增水不同于台风增水的特点,并应用半封闭浅海湾中开尔文波传播理论分析了风暴潮产生的原因。
Abstract:In August, it is an unfrequent event that there is a storm surge with a height of 518 cm caused by the effects of extratropical cyclone at the Bohai Sea. Using the weather charts, satellite cloud pictures, observations from automatic weather stations and the surge data from the Tianjin Oceanic Administration, the characteristics of two abnormal increasing water events by the storm surges occurring on Tianjin Harbour in August 2008 were analyzed. The influences of meteorological factors on storm surges were summarized. They can offer valuable information for predicting storm surges. The paper discussed the occurring conditions of storm surge and increasing water on account of the off shore wind (northwest wind). The results show that the extratropical storm surge has the characteristics of high intensity for increasing water (the largest height is 121 cm) and long duration time (for 15 hours). The paper also proposed the differences between the water increased by cyclone and by typhoon. And the reasons for occurring storm surges in a semi closed and shallow gulf were analyzed based on the propagating theory of Kelvin wave.
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XU Lingzhi,ZHAO Yujie,SONG Guohui,ZHANG Wenyun,2010.Characteristic Analysis of the Abnormal Increasing Water by Storm Surge Under the Background of Off Shore Wind[J].Meteor Mon,36(5):56-63.