(1.国家气象中心,北京 100081;2.广东省气候中心, 广州 510080 ;3.广东省中心气象台, 广州 510080)
Analysis of Circulation Characteristics and Physical Mechanism for Sustained Fog Generation and Dissipation in Pearl River Estuary Region
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投稿时间:2008-06-26    修订日期:2009-11-25
中文摘要: 利用各种气象观测资料,研究了1980—2006年珠江口地区持续性雾的气候特征,并通过典型个例分析了持续性雾生消的环流特征和物理机制。主要结论有:珠江口地区持续性雾集中出现在10月至次年5月,尤其是春季出现概率最大;出现持续性雾的环流形势主要有3种:A型——低压或倒槽的东侧,B型——高压的底部或后部,C型——均压场;在持续性雾过程中,近地层暖湿平流的输入、浅层抬升、水汽弱辐合以及对流层中下部的“干暖盖”有利于饱和湿空气的凝结以及逆温层的维持,而伴随偏北风南下的干冷平流是雾消散的主要因素。
Abstract:By using all the available meteorological observation data, climatic characteristics of sustained fog between 1980 and 2006 in the Pearl River Estuary Region were analyzed. Meanwhile, the circulation characteristics and physical mechanism for sustained fog generation and dissipation were studied through analysing the typical cases. The major conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) Sustained fog in the Pearl River Estuary Region usually appears from October to May next year, especially in spring; (2) The weather situation when sustained fog happens can be divided into 3 kinds: type A, on the e〖JP2〗ast of low pressure (or inverted trough); type B, in the rear(or bottom) of high pressure; and type C, in uniform pressure fields; (3) When severe sustained fog happens, the transportation of wet warm advection, the weak lift motion and convergence of vapor flux at the surface layer and the dry warm cap in the mid lower troposphere are the favorable conditions for condensation of vapor and maintenance of temperature inversion, the intrusion of dry cold advection accompanied by northerly wind is the main factor for the fog dissipation.
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WANG Ting,PAN Weijuan,CHEN Zhigang,LIU Yunxiang,2010.Analysis of Circulation Characteristics and Physical Mechanism for Sustained Fog Generation and Dissipation in Pearl River Estuary Region[J].Meteor Mon,36(6):13-20.