(1.安徽省人工影响天气办公室,合肥 230031;2.安徽省气象局, 合肥 230031)
Analysis of Characteristics of Precipitation Particle on Heavy Rain Snow Process in Dabie Mountain in Anhui Province
(1.Anhui Weather Modification Office, Hefei 230031;2.Anhui Meteorological Bureau, Hefei 230031)
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投稿时间:2008-11-05    修订日期:2009-10-18
中文摘要: 通过对降水粒子特征研究,以便探讨云、降水的形成机制。利用一台安装在安徽大别山区潜山县气象局楼顶无障碍平台上,德国OTT公司生产的Parsivel激光降水粒子测量系统所获取的2008年1月26—28日强雨雪天气过程的2540份资料,对不同降水类型的粒子数浓度及其谱分布、下落速度及其谱分布进行了特征分析。结果表明:(1) 这次强雨雪天气过程中不同降水类型降水粒子中雨夹雪平均数浓度最大,每分钟可达589个;雨最小,为每分钟255个。 (2) 雪与冻雨的数浓度是双峰型,其他降水的数浓度都是单峰型。(3) 不同类型降水粒子尺度谱主要出现在直径为0.125~1.00 mm之间。谱最宽的是雪,最窄的是毛毛雨。 整个过程的平均谱分布都是单峰型,但峰值却有所不同。 (4) 整个过程不同降水类型降水粒子的最大下落速度主要集中在1.0~4.8 m?s-1段。在此段中毛毛雨、毛毛雨与雨、雨、雨夹雪、冻雨和雪的粒子数分别占各自粒子总数的98.68%、98.46%、97.72%、94.79%、 93.69%,和85.83%。(5) 不同类型降水粒子平均速度谱中雨和雨夹雪的谱最宽,最大落速可达9.6 m?s-1,毛毛雨最窄,最大落速只有5.6 m?s-1;其他大体相当。在整个过程中不同类型降水粒子平均速度谱都是单峰型,但峰值所处的位置却有较大差异。
Abstract:The cloud and precipitation mechanism could be studied by investigating the characteristics of precipitation particle.Characteristic analysis of particle concentration, falling velocity as well as their spectrum distribution in different precipitation patterns was made according to 2540 sharing data during 26-28 January 2008 observed by OTT Parsivel laser precipitation particle measuring system installed at the top unobstructed platform of the building of Anhui Qianshan Meterological Station near Dabie Mountains. The results have shown: (1) During the snowstorm, the average number concentration is the largest in the case of sleet, up to 589 per min, and the least is in rain, only 255 per min. (2) The concentrations of snow and freezing rain exhibit a form of double peak, other forms of precipitation are in single peak. (3) Different precipitation particle sizes mainly lay between 0.125-1.00 mm, with the widest spectrum being snow, and the narrowest being drizzle. The mean spectrum of each form of precipitation has a single peak with different peak values. (4) The maximum falling velocity of each form of precipitation is primarily concentrated within 1.0-4.8 m?s-1, 98.68% in drizzle, 98.46% in drizzle with rain, 97.72% in rain, 94.79% in sleet, 93.69% in freezing rain, while 85.83% in snow. (5) The widest mean velocity spectra are in rain and sleet, and the maximum velocity could be up to 9.6 m?s-1. The narrowest velocity spectrum is in drizzle, with its maximum being 5.6 m?s-1. Other velocity spectra appear generally similar. The mean velocity spectrum of each form of precipitaion has a single peak, but their peak positions are different each other.These results provide reference for the investigation on mechanism of icy rain and snow weather, and also provide theoretic basis for weather modification.
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JIANG Nianchong,HU Wen,SHAO Yang,ZHOU Shuxue,2010.Analysis of Characteristics of Precipitation Particle on Heavy Rain Snow Process in Dabie Mountain in Anhui Province[J].Meteor Mon,36(6):79-84.