(中国气象局华风气象影视信息集团,北京 100081)
Design and Operation of a Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Science Outreach Column——Disasters Records
(Huafeng Group of Meteorological Audio & Video Information, CMA, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2009-10-10    修订日期:2010-02-10
中文摘要: 自然灾害公众教育可以提高全社会的灾害意识和忧患意识,增加公众的灾害知识,提高面对灾害的自救和互救能力,从而减少灾害的损失。为充分发挥电视在普及气象防灾减灾知识中的作用,依托已经发生或者新近发生的灾害事件,在纪实拍摄的基础上,充分利用数字媒体技术,设计了气象防灾减灾科普栏目《风云纪录》。节目采用故事化叙事手段,关注灾害事件中的受灾群体,将致灾的自然力量与社会人文因素交织在一起,把自然变化放在社会环境之中,气象专家、灾害专家和社会学者对灾害事件详细解读,使观众对灾害的认识更全面更深刻。对于抽象的知识、科学原理等,采用动画演示,以求通俗易懂。灾害纪实画面、灾害亲历者的现场采访、动画、解说、音乐、音效等表现形式经数字音视频编辑技术协调平衡,既真实生动,又具科普价值。自2003年以来,在栏目设计指导下,已经拍摄制作了200余期节目,通过各种播放,发挥了良好的科普效益,也为进一步做好气象灾害专题教育积累了经验。
Abstract:Public outreach on natural hazards can increase public awareness of natural disasters, help them to accumulate disaster related knowledge, and improve their ability to help themselves as well as others out of devastating situations, thus to minimize damages caused by natural hazards. In order to make the best use of TV in popularizing disaster prevention and mitigation related science, we designed a science outreach column, with the name Disasters Records. This column is based on recorded hazardous images and on the spot shooting of newly happened disasters, and it makes the most of digital media technologies. Programs in this column tell stories, show great concern with disaster stricken people, and analyze some interwoven natural, social and cultural reasons behind natural hazards. They put natural changes in a social context, and include interpretations by meteorologists, experts on hazards and sociologists, thus to present a more comprehensive and more profound understanding of the disasters to the public. As for some abstract concepts and theories, animation displaying techniques are used to make them more acceptable. Disaster images, interviews with disaster stricken people, and presenting skills like animation, comments, music, and musical effects are well balanced by digital editing techniques, which make the programs vivid and endow them with science popularization values. Under the guidance of the column design, we have finished shooting of more than 200 programs since 2003. They are broadcasted through several kinds of media and their science outreach values are well exerted, as well as pave the way for accumulating experience on public education on natural hazards.
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SHI Yongyi,LI Rubin,2010.Design and Operation of a Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Science Outreach Column——Disasters Records[J].Meteor Mon,36(7):168-173.