(1.武汉区域气候中心, 武汉 430074;2. 湖北省气候变化中心, 武汉 430074)
Pre-Evaluation Method of Disastrous Weather Progress Based on Multi Factor Comprehensive Index
(1.Wuhan Regional Climate Center, Wuhan 430074;2. Center on Climate Change in Hubei Province, Wuhan 430074)
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投稿时间:2008-12-25    修订日期:2010-01-04
中文摘要: 通过分析给出了一种基于多指标综合指数的灾害性天气过程预评估方案,提出预估应包含对灾害性天气过程本身程度预估和灾害影响预估两个部分。通过建立综合指数来描述灾害性天气过程本身的程度,利用历史和实时气象资料对综合指数进行计算,分别对灾害性天气过程进行历史分析和实时监测;通过列表法,对收集的历史和实时灾害影响资料进行解析,综合指数中组合要素的差异,可用于分析灾害的不同特征;最后利用历史统计情景、相似指数年份类比和中短期预报等三种方案,对灾害性天气进程和影响发展程度进行预估。并以湖北省2008年初持续低温雨雪冰冻过
Abstract:Pre evaluation method of disastrous weather progress based on multi factor comprehensive index is put forward,and proposes that estimate should contain a degree of severe weather progress and disaster impact in two parts. It takes process of low temperature, raining and snowing, icing in Hubei Province in the beginning of 2008 for example. Firstly, the multi factor comprehensive index quantitatively describes the process of low temperature, raining and snowing. The comprehensive indexes of historical sleet process are calculated with meteorological data of every observation station in Hubei. And the index of most seriously process per year forms a historical sequence. The recurrence of the annual index and the index of different recurrent are computed with Gumbel extreme distribution. Rank of yearly low temperature and sleet process is assessed. Secondly, progressive daily comprehensive index of sleet process in 2008 is calculated with multiple meteorological factors. By comparing with the rank and the recurrence period of the comprehensive index, the process in 2008 was evaluated. Finally, by analogy of comprehensive index, historical disaster scenario analysis and short and medium range weather forecasts, the progress to future development degree can be pre evaluated. Different combination of multiple meteorological factors can be used in the analysis character of disaster.
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ZHOU Yuehua,ZHOU Yuehua,2010.Pre-Evaluation Method of Disastrous Weather Progress Based on Multi Factor Comprehensive Index[J].Meteor Mon,36(9):87-93.