(1.贵州省山地环境气候研究所, 贵阳 550002;2. 贵州省山地气候与资源重点实验室, 贵阳 550002;3.;4.贵州省山地气候与资源重点实验室, 贵阳 550002)
NDVI-Ts Characteristics of Guizhou and Its Application to Drought Monitoring in the Karst Area
(1.Guizhou Institute of the Mountainous Climate and Environment, Guiyang 550002;2. Guizhou Key Laboratory of Mountaionous Climate and Resource, Guiyang 550002;3.;4.Guizhou Key Laboratory of Mountaionous Climate and Resource, Guiyang 550002)
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投稿时间:2008-07-03    修订日期:2010-04-08
中文摘要: 温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)同时考虑了陆面温度和植被指数对遥感干旱监测的影响,综合了两者的长处,有效地减小了植被覆盖度的影响,提高了遥感干旱监测的准确性。陆面温度的反演以普朗克辐射函数为基础,运用地表比辐射率使之转换为灰体辐射。提取植被指数对应的最高陆面温度和最低陆面温度构成NDVI-Ts空间,进而得到TVDI。文章应用对地观测卫星(EOS) 的MODIS遥感资料,分析并揭示了贵州复杂山区独特的NDVI-Ts空间的形态特征,并用于检验贵州2006年7月25日和2007年8月19日土壤表层干旱情况,同时与当地气象站土壤湿度观测数据进行定量验证,表明TVDI与土壤湿度显著相关。由于EOS/MODIS遥感资料的高时间分辨率、高光谱分辨率和适中的空间分辨率特性,使得该方法适宜于大区域复杂地形的干旱检测与预警。
Abstract:In the temperature vegetation drought index (TVDI), the impacts of the land surface temperature and the vegetation index on the remote drought monitoring are simultaneously taken into account, and also both merits are combined. Therefore, the effect of vegetation coverage fraction is effectively reduced and the accuracy in remote sensing of drought is obviously improved. Land surface temperature is retrieved based on the Planck radiation function,in which the surface emissivity is used to be a gray body emission. Highest and lowest land temperatures corresponding to each vegetation index are extracted to make up NDVI-Ts space. In this paper, the remote sensing data of the Earth Observing Satellite (EOS) MODIS are used to analyze and reveal the particular morphological characteristics of NDVI-Ts space over Guizhou complex mountains. Soil surface dry conditions on July 25, 2006 and August 19, 2007 are inversed and simultaneously verified with the soil moisture information from local weather stations. The results show that TVDI is significantly related to soil moisture. Because of high temporal and spectral resolution as well as moderate spatial resolution of EOS/MODIS remote sensing data, the method is suitable for the detection and early warning of soil drought in large scale and complex terrains.
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基金项目:贵州省科技基金(2003-3058);贵州省气象局开放基金(2007005); 贵州省科技攻关(S2007-1016);黔科合SZ[2009]3014;科技部GYHY(QQ20090631)贵州气象创新(2008-IP02)
KANG Weimin,LUO Yuxiang,XIANG Hongqiong,CHEN Juan,ZHENG Xiaobo,2010.NDVI-Ts Characteristics of Guizhou and Its Application to Drought Monitoring in the Karst Area[J].Meteor Mon,36(10):78-83.