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投稿时间:2008-11-29 修订日期:2010-03-27
投稿时间:2008-11-29 修订日期:2010-03-27
中文摘要: 利用我国599个站1961—2007年逐日温度资料,运用墨西哥帽小波函数,分析了近47年来我国四季开始日期多时空尺度的变化特征。结果表明:我国四季开始日期的变化与温度的变化较一致。全国平均四季开始日期均存在20年左右的周期特征,在20世纪80年代末表现出明显的春、夏季提前,秋、冬季推迟的趋势。在第一主周期的时间尺度上做小波变换后,各个区域的变化趋势与全国平均基本一致。但仍存在一定差异,2005—2007年东北的夏季偏迟,2004—2007年西北的冬季偏早及华南的春季偏迟,2003—2007年高原地区也有春季偏迟的现象,结合其他季节的变化,这些地区四季的变化特征与温度的变化仍有较好的对应。
Abstract:The daily temperature data at 599 stations during 1961-2007 are utilized to analyze the multi spatial scale, multi time scale changes of seasonal start date based on wavelet analysis. The results show that the changes of seasonal start date are accordant with the changes of temperature over China. On national average, the seasonal start date all has a time period of nearly 20 years, and show a clear trend that spring and summer became earlier, autumn and winter became later in the late 1980s. After doing a wavelet transform to the major cycle over all regions, the trends are the same as the national average basically. However, some differences are still existing in varied regions. For example, in Northeast China there was a phenomenon of summer occurring later during 2005-2007. Winter occurring earlier in Northwest China and spring occurring later in South China during 2004-2007. In the Plateau spring also occurred later during 2003-2007, combined with the other seasonal changes, the changes of seasonal start date in these regions are also corresponding to the changes of temperature well.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
YU Zhenyan,FANG Guangzhou,HUA Wei,ZHOU Dingwen,LAI Xin,LIU Yaxing,2010.The Impact of Temperature Mutation on the Seasonal Start Date over China[J].Meteor Mon,36(11):32-37.
YU Zhenyan,FANG Guangzhou,HUA Wei,ZHOU Dingwen,LAI Xin,LIU Yaxing,2010.The Impact of Temperature Mutation on the Seasonal Start Date over China[J].Meteor Mon,36(11):32-37.