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投稿时间:2010-02-26 修订日期:2010-05-14
投稿时间:2010-02-26 修订日期:2010-05-14
中文摘要: 为了提高成都市精细化天气预报水平,使用成都地区精细下垫面土地利用资料,在WRF中耦合了单层城市冠层模式,对2008年7月6日晴空背景下的成都城市气象特征进行了模拟,并和使用旧土地利用资料、slab模式的模拟结果进行了对比分析。模拟结果表明城区因为不透水下垫面的增加,使得地表蒸发和地表水汽通量显著减小,潜热通量减小,感热通量增大;城市建筑物对长波辐射有截获作用,使城市湍流作用增强,边界层高度增高;使用精细下垫面资料和单层城市冠层模式,模拟的2 m温度负偏差和均方根误差减小;城市面积扩大和建筑物增多,使城市热岛效应增强,城区10 m风速减小,城市下风方垂直环流增强。
中文关键词: 精细下垫面, 城市冠层, 城市气象, 模拟
Abstract:In order to improve the level of Chengdu fine weather forecast, using Chengdu fine underlying surface data, the urban meteorological characteristics of Chengdu are simulated by the WRF coupled with single layer urban canopy model for a clear day, on July 6, 2008, and those are compared to simulations with old land use data and slab model. The result shows that because of urban impervious underlying surface area increasing, the surface evaporation and upward moisture flux are significantly reduced, latent heat flux decreases and sensible heat flux increases. Urban buildings can intercept long wave radiation energy, so urban turbulence enhances and boundary layer height becomes higher; With the fine land use data and single layer urban canopy model, both negative bias and root mean square error of 2 m temperature decrease; Urban area expansion and more buildings have led to the result that the urban heat island effect strengthens, urban 10 m wind speed decreases, heat circulation between urban and suburban areas enhances, and local vertical circulation boosts.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
XIAO Dan,CHEN Jing,CHEN Zhang,ZHANG Bo,2011.Effect Simulation of Chengdu Fine Underlying Surface Information on Urban Meteorology[J].Meteor Mon,37(3):298-308.
XIAO Dan,CHEN Jing,CHEN Zhang,ZHANG Bo,2011.Effect Simulation of Chengdu Fine Underlying Surface Information on Urban Meteorology[J].Meteor Mon,37(3):298-308.