(1.中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,沈阳 110016;2.沈阳区域气候中心,沈阳 110016)
Diurnal Variations of Summer Precipitation in Liaoning Province
(1.Institute of Atmospheric Environment, CMA, Shenyang 110016;2.Shenyang Regional Climate Center, Shenyang 110016)
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投稿时间:2010-06-02    修订日期:2010-12-23
中文摘要: 文章利用辽宁省25个气象观测站1961—2008年夏季6—8月的逐时降水自记资料,分析了辽宁省夏季降水日变化的基本特征。发现:降水日变化特征地域性较强,沿海站与内陆站存在差异。总体来说,沿海站降水量的最大值基本出现在午前04—08时,内陆站点则呈双峰值的形式,峰值分别出现在午前和午后,午后14—20时为降水量最大值出现的时间;降水频次的日变化特征和降水量基本相同;持续时间长的降水多在午前达到峰值,持续时间短的降水多在午后达到峰值;沿海站点午前的降水峰值区基本是由持续时间在6 h以上的长时间降水造成,内陆站点午后最大降水峰值则为持续时间6 h以内的短时降水,这与内陆下午对流能量强相适应。研究表明,降水日变化的存在能够影响到降水预报的评分。
Abstract:The diurnal cycle of summer precipitation in Liaoning Province is investigated by using hourly rain gauge data from 25 stations during 1961-2008. The results show there are strong regional characteristics of diurnal cycle and differences between coastal station and inland station. In general, the maximum precipitation amount of coastal station occurs at 04-08 BT before noon, while inland station’s diurnal cycle has a form of double peak, one before noon and one afternoon, and the maximum value occurs at 14-20 BT afternoon. The maximum precipitation frequency of coastal station is before noon, while the diurnal cycle of inland station’s frequency also has a form of double peak. The maximum value of precipitation with persistent 6 h or more occurs before noon, which is the reason for coastal station’s peak before noon. On the other hand, the inland station’s afternoon peak is attributed to the short time precipitation which is less than 6 hours and mainly caused by strong convection in the afternoon. The results also show that the diurnal cycle of precipitation can affect TS scores.
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基金项目:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项基金(2011IAE CMA14)和国家自然科学基金(40875018)共同资助
YANG Sen,ZHOU Xiaoshan,GAO Jie,2011.Diurnal Variations of Summer Precipitation in Liaoning Province[J].Meteor Mon,37(8):943-949.