(1.中国气象科学院灾害天气国家重点实验室,北京 100081;2.江西省气象科学研究所,南昌 330046;3.江西省萍乡市气象局,萍乡 337002;4.江西省气象台,南昌 330046;5.江西省庐山气象局,九江 332900)
Analysis on Three Types of Hazard Wind Activities and Echo Characteristics in Jiangxi
(1.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081;2.Institute of Meteorological Science of Jiangxi, Nanchang 330046;3.Pingxiang Meteorological Bureau of Jiangxi, Pingxiang 337002;4.Jiangxi Meteorological Observatory, Nanchang 330046;5.Lushan Meteorological Office of Jiangxi, Jiujiang 332900)
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投稿时间:2010-06-22    修订日期:2010-10-18
中文摘要: 使用常规天气资料、灾情资料、自动气象站、卫星云图和雷达回波等资料,对江西出现的灾害性大风天气进行分析,结果表明:江西致灾大风天气主要有三种类型。(1)与飑线回波带和超级单体等雷达回波系统相伴随的雷雨大风天气,同时还伴随强雷电、强降水、冰雹和龙卷等灾害性天气;(2)与冷锋雷暴回波带和冷空气大风相伴随的混合大风天气,具有雷雨大风天气和冷空气大风天气活动的特征;(3)由雷暴下沉气流触发、中高空动能下传和气压梯度风共同作用产生的无降水致灾大风天气,没有降水、雷电等天气现象伴随。
Abstract:Hazard wind weathers in Jiangxi are discussed with conventional data, disaster information and radar data, it is found that there are three major weather types of disastrous winds, i.e. (1) thunderstorm gale weather accompanied by the radar echo systems with the echo band of squall line and super cell etc., at the same time, also accompanied by strong lightning, severe precipitation, hailstone, tornado and other hazard weathers; (2) hybrid gale weather, accompanied by thunderstorm echo band of cold front and cold air gale, presents the characteristics of thunderstorm gale and cold air gale activities; (3) disastrous wind weather without rainfall, caused by the joint action of downdraft of thunderstorm triggering, down propagation of aloft kinetic energy as well as pressure gradient wind, and it is not accompanied by rainfall, lightning and other weather phenomenon.
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Ma Zhong Yuan,Ye Xiaofeng,Zhang Ying,Xu Aihua,Ma Xiaolin,He Zhiming,Xiao An,Chen Yunhui,2011.Analysis on Three Types of Hazard Wind Activities and Echo Characteristics in Jiangxi[J].Meteor Mon,37(9):1108-1117.