(1.上海市农业技术推广服务中心,上海 201103;2.上海市气候中心/SMB,上海 200030;3.上海市农业科学院植物保护研究所,上海 201106)
Discussion on Biological and Meteorological Factors and Single Late Rice Stripe Disease
(1.Shanghai AgroTechnology Extension Service Center, Shanghai 201103;2.Shanghai Climate Center, Shanghai Meteorological Service, Shanghai 200030;3.Institute of Plant Protection, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201106)
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投稿时间:2010-07-08    修订日期:2010-12-29
中文摘要: 为了给单季晚稻条纹叶枯病农业气象预测提供技术依据,使用数理统计分析方法对2007和2008年上海市10个区(县)移栽稻和直播稻95个样本单季晚稻条纹叶枯病病株率田间考查资料和同期气象资料进行分析。得出:在条纹叶枯病病毒满足的情况下,影响单季晚稻条纹叶枯病发生的首要因子是品种,品种抗性强弱与条纹叶枯病病株率间的偏相关系数为-0.622(P<0.01);其次是单季晚稻播栽期至7叶期间的平均空气相对湿度,与条纹叶枯病病株率间的偏相关系数为-0.293(P<0.01);单季晚稻播栽期早晚对条纹叶枯病的影响是通过播栽期至7叶期间的空气相对湿度影响条纹叶枯病的发生,单季晚稻播栽期与条纹叶枯病病株率、播栽期至7叶期间空气平均相对湿度的偏相关系数分别为-0.036和0.309(P<0.01)。因此在业务预报工作中,应重点考虑单季晚稻品种及播栽期至7叶期间的空气相对湿度。
Abstract:In order to provide the technological basis for the agrometeorological forecast of single late rice stripe disease, the data of 95 samples of transplanting rice and direct seeding rice in 10 counties in 2007-2008 and meteorological materials in the same period and counties were analyzed using the applied mathematical statistics method. The result showed that under the condition of rice stripe virus (RSV), the primary factor of affecting the occurring of single late rice stripe disease was rice variety, and the partial correlation coefficient between resistant capability and diseased plant rate was -0.622 (P<0.01). The secondary factor was average relative humidity from seeded or transplanted to seven leaf age, and the partial correlation coefficient with which and diseased plant rate was -0.293 (P<0.01). The affecting from sowed or transplanted date of rice to single late rice stripe disease was actually through average relative humidity from seeded or transplanted to seven leaf age to the breaking out of single late rice stripe disease. Partial correlation coefficients between sowing planting period of rice and diseased plant rate, average relative humidity from seeded or transplanted to seven leaf age were -0.036 and 0.309 (P<0.01), separately. Therefore, in the operational forecast, the rice variety and relative humidity from seeding or transplanting to seven leaf age should be focused and considered.
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基金项目:上海市科技兴农重点攻关基金项目[农科攻字(2006)第1 3号]
Jiang Yaopei,Li Jun,Jiang Jiexian,Zhang Hao,Ji Xiangyun,2011.Discussion on Biological and Meteorological Factors and Single Late Rice Stripe Disease[J].Meteor Mon,37(9):1140-1144.