(1.云南省普洱市气象局, 普洱 665000;2.云南大学大气科学系, 昆明 650091)
Analysis on Doppler Radar Statistical Features and Distinguishing Methods of Mesoscale and Microscale Disastrous Weather in Southern Yunnan
(1.Pu’er Meteorological Office of Yunnan Province, Pu’er 665000;2.Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091)
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投稿时间:2010-11-15    修订日期:2011-05-11
中文摘要: 利用普洱CIND3830 CC新一代天气雷达资料、地面观测资料、探空资料,对2004—2009年滇南普洱、西双版纳典型的中小尺度强对流天气的多普勒雷达回波特征进行统计分析,总结冰雹、大风、短时强降水的识别方法和预报指标。结果表明:冰雹云初始回波中心强度在40 dBz左右,高度在5 km左右,接近0℃层高度。冰雹云径向速度≥10 m·s-1,辐合特征明显,97%的移速≥30 km·h-1,中心强度为55~69 dBz。97%的冰雹云的45 dBz回波顶高≥7.5 km,92%的冰雹云的45 dBz回波顶高超过-20℃层高度;大风回波可分为4种类型。96%的大风回波径向速度≥10 m·s-1,50%的辐合特征明显,85%的移速≥30 km·h-1,大风回波中心强度为30~55 dBz;强降水回波的辐合特征明显,79%的回波径向速度<10 m·s-1,85%的移速<30 km·h-1,回波强度集中在40~45 dBz,高度集中在6.5 km以下,强中心高度低于4.5 km,85%的强降水回波移速<30 km·h-1。这些特征可为短时临近预报提供参考。
Abstract:Using the CIND3830 CC data of CINRAD, the radiosonde and the surface meteorological data, we analyzed the Doppler radar echo features of the mesoscale and microscale strong convective weather system in Pu’er and Xishuangbanna during 2004 to 2009. In addition, we summarized the identification methods and the forecast targets about hail and gale, and short time strong rainfall. It may be concluded that the initial echo center intensity of hail cloud is about 40 dBz, and the height of hail cloud is about 5 km, approaching to 0℃ isotherm. The radial velocity of hail cloud ≥10 m·s-1, the moving speed ≥30 km·h-1, the echo center intensity is about 55 to 69 dBz and convergent features are obvious. The hail cloud intensity of the radar echo top is about 45 dBz. The height of 97% of the hail cloud is higher than 7.5 km, and that of 92% of the hail cloud is colder than -20℃. The echo of gale can be divided into 4 types. The radial velocity of 96% of the gale echo is more than 10 m·s-1, the convergent features of 50% of the gale echo are obvious. The moving speed about 85% of gale is more than 30 km·h-1 and the echo center intensity of gale is 30 to 55 dBz. The echo convergent features are obvious.The radial velocity of 79% of echo is less than 10 m·s-1. The moving speed of 85% of echoes is estimated to be less than 30 km·h-1. Then its intensity is 40 to 45 dBz and height is less than 4.5 km.The moving speed of echo is less than 30 km·h-1. And then we got the reference material in the short term weather forecast.
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Duan He,Yan Huasheng,Wang Xiaojun,Liu Jianping,Bai Yong en,2011.Analysis on Doppler Radar Statistical Features and Distinguishing Methods of Mesoscale and Microscale Disastrous Weather in Southern Yunnan[J].Meteor Mon,37(10):1216-1227.