(1.中国气象局气象探测中心,北京 100081;2.中国电子科技集团第二十八研究所,南京 210007)
The Integrated Meteorological Observation Operational and Monitoring System
(1.CMA Meteorological Observation Centre, Beijing 100081;2.The 28th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Nanjing 210007)
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投稿时间:2010-12-06    修订日期:2011-04-18
中文摘要: 为了提高我国气象装备运行保障能力和观测数据质量,中国气象局气象探测中心从2006年起创建了综合气象观测运行监控系统,并依此逐步建立了监控业务。文中围绕气象装备保障业务关于台站、省级和国家级的三级用户需求,明确了以探测设备运行状态监视、技术保障信息管理、观测数据质量监视为主线的监控业务设计思想,并奠定了监控业务系统的技术框架,提出了“两级布设、三级应用”的分布结构,基于互联网和WebGIS技术,建立了一套实时气象观测网运行监控和分析系统,具备实时设备运行状态监控、装备保障信息管理、观测数据质量监视、基础信息管理、运行统计评估等功能。在此基础上,文中介绍了气象观测运行监控业务概况,通过监控系统实现了对全网设备运行状况的实时掌握,开展监控产品分析服务,定期评估装备运行效能和数据质量状况,使重要气象装备如天气雷达的可用性大幅提升,为提高气象装备运行效能发挥了重要作用。
Abstract:In order to improve China meteorological observation facility’s operation supporting ability and observation data quality, the CMA Meteorological Observation Centre developed an integrated meteorological observation operational and monitoring system and built the operational and monitoring operations. It is described the meteorological observation equipment’s operation status monitoring, technique supporting management, observation data quality monitoring and the system’s technical framework involving the requirements of the station, province and national users. It also put forward the distribution form of two level layout three level applications. The meteorological observation operational and monitoring and analysis system contains five function subsystems, there are the real time facility operation status monitoring, the equipment maintance information management, the observation data quality monitoring, the basic information management and the operation statistical evaluation. Besides, the general situation of meteorological observation system operational monitoring operations is described, such as the integrated meteorological observation system’s real time operational status, the monitoring product analysis service, regular assessment of the equipment operation efficiency and data quality status, etc. The meteorological observation operational and monitoring system could ensure the steady operation of these main meteorological observation equipments, such as meteorological radar, and it also plays a main role in the drastically improving meteorological facility’s operation efficiency.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
Liang Haihe,Meng Zhaolin,Zhang Chunhui,Li Yan,2011.The Integrated Meteorological Observation Operational and Monitoring System[J].Meteor Mon,37(10):1292-1300.