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投稿时间:2010-12-27 修订日期:2011-10-13
投稿时间:2010-12-27 修订日期:2011-10-13
中文摘要: 使用自动站观测资料对BJ RUC系统预报的北京15个观测站的逐时2 m温度、相对湿度、1小时降水量和风速等地面要素质量进行检验评估。结果表明:BJ RUC系统预报的2 m温度、相对湿度和风速与实况具有一致的变化趋势,但各要素的预报性能不尽相同。结果表明:(1)对于2 m温度的预报,±1℃误差的准确率为0.2~0.5,±2℃误差的准确率更高;预报性能与预报时效无明显关系;温度预报准确性与季节和日变化有关,春、秋季优于冬、夏季,夜间优于白天。(2)对相对湿度的预报整体偏低,夏季白天偏低、冬季白天偏高。(3)对1小时降水的预报,无论全年还是夏季,晴雨预报准确率很高;对0.1 mm 降水的TS评分在0.2左右。(4)对不同站点的预报性能存在明显差异。对平原地区,即海拔高度较低的站点预报性能相对较好,15个站点中,对北京的代表站点(南郊观象台)的预报最为准确;对山区站点的预报性能相对较差,对海拔最高的延庆站的预报性能最差。总体来说,BJ RUC对站点要素预报的变化趋势较好,预报准确率较高,具有很好的参考价值,但要素预报与季节、日变化及海拔高度等因素有关,具体应用时还需做适当订正。
中文关键词: 快速更新循环, 数值天气模式, 要素, 检验, 评估分析
Abstract:Using observed data of fifteen Beijing automatic weather stations during June 1 2008 to May 31 2009, the forecasting performances of Beijing rapid update cycle of assimilation forecast system (BJ RUC) to the air temperature, relative humidity, 1 h rainfall and the wind speed were analyzed in detail. The results showed that the meteorological elements of BJ RUC system had a very good consistency with the corresponding observed data. The forecast accuracy rate of ±1℃ error to the 2 m temperature was from 0.2 to 0.5, and even higher if with ±2℃. The performance to the 2 m temperature did not change obviously with the forecast range, which was closely related to seasonal and diurnal variations. The forecast accuracy was better in spring and autumn than in summer and winter, and was better in nighttime than daytime. In general, the temperature forecasted by BJ RUC system was often higher in daytime and summer. The relative humidity of BJ RUC system was lower than observation, and usually, it was lower in daytime of summer and higher in nighttime of winter. The BJ RUC system has a good performance of raining or shine to 1 h rainfall. Relatively, the accuracy rate to the rain was lower during afternoon to the evening, which may be related to the convective weather. The BJ RUC system has a different performance to different meteorological stations. Relatively, the forecasting performance was better on the plain area than the station of high altitude. For example, among fifteen stations, the accuracy rate of Beijing was the highest, and which of Yanqing Station is the lowest. To the different station, the performances of various meteorological elements were different. For instance, there had a most obvious difference to the temperature, which was maybe caused by the elevation underestimation of BJ RUC system.
文章编号: 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
魏 东 | 北京市气象台,北京 100089 |
尤凤春 | 北京市气象台,北京 100089 |
杨 波 | 北京市气象台,北京 100089 |
范水勇 | 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所,北京 100089 |
陈 敏 | 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所,北京 100089 |
魏 东,尤凤春,杨 波,范水勇,陈 敏,2011.北京快速更新循环预报系统(BJ-RUC)要素预报质量评估[J].气象,37(12):1489-1497.
Wei Dong,You Fengchun,Yang Bo,Fan Shuiyong,Chen Min,2011.Assessment and Analysis of Meteorological Elements Forecasted by Beijing Rapid Update Cycle Forecast System[J].Meteor Mon,37(12):1489-1497.
魏 东,尤凤春,杨 波,范水勇,陈 敏,2011.北京快速更新循环预报系统(BJ-RUC)要素预报质量评估[J].气象,37(12):1489-1497.
Wei Dong,You Fengchun,Yang Bo,Fan Shuiyong,Chen Min,2011.Assessment and Analysis of Meteorological Elements Forecasted by Beijing Rapid Update Cycle Forecast System[J].Meteor Mon,37(12):1489-1497.