(1.内蒙古气候中心,呼和浩特 010051;2.内蒙古气象科技服务中心,呼和浩特 010051)
Simulating the Influence of Urban Development on Atmospheric Environment in Hohhot City
(1.Inner Mongolia Climate Center, Hohhot 010051;2.Inner Mongolia Meteorological Science and Technology Service Center, Hohhot 010051)
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投稿时间:2010-12-02    修订日期:2011-05-25
中文摘要: 基于呼和浩特市近50年逐日定时地面气象资料、2002—2006年的逐日07时和19时各标准层探空资料、2001—2006年逐日主要污染物浓度和主要污染源源强、1961—2006年社会经济数据、2002年城区建设现状及1996—2010年城市总体规划资料,利用区域边界层模式模拟方法,研究了呼和浩特市城区建设发展对大气环境的影响。结果表明:(1)呼和浩特市城区发展后(规划后)气温高于现状(规划前),城区中心气温与周边地区气温差增大,城市热岛效应增强;(2)呼和浩特城区规划后冬季气流汇集辐合区域增多,辐合能力增强,从而使冬季大气污染加剧;(3)呼和浩特市城区扩展后引起的下垫面热力与动力参数变化,将导致气流场发生显著变化,使得污染物的辐合能力增强。总体而言,呼和浩特市城区规划后虽增加了部分绿地等面积,但建筑物的增高增密、下垫面性质的改变,将使大气环境扩散能力减弱,大气污染加重。
Abstract:In terms of the daily fixed time surface meteorological data over recent 50 years, the standard layer daily sounding data at 07:00 BT and 19:00 BT from 2002 to 2006, the daily concentration data of main pollutants and sources from 2001 to 2006, the social and economic data from 1961 to 2006, the city development situations in 2002, and the Hohhot City planning maps from 1996 to 2010, the influence of urban development on atmospheric environment in Hohhot City was analyzed with the regional boundary layer numerical simulation method. The results have shown that: (1) The temperature in Hohhot City is higher after development than before, the temperature difference between urban center and surrounding areas increases and the heat island effect enhances. (2) The current convergence area increases and the capacity of convergence enhances in winter after development, as a result, the urban atmospheric pollution aggravates in winter. (3) The change of thermal and dynamic parameters of the underlying surface resulting from city expansion leads to air current fields to change remarkably, and then the capacity of convergence of pollutants strengthens. In short, although the green lands are increased after development, the higher and closer buildings and the change of underlying surface’s characters make the capacity of diffusion of atmospheric environments weaken and atmospheric pollutions become heavier.
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李喜仓,白美兰,马玉峰,刘克利,冯晓晶,杨 晶,2011.呼和浩特市城区发展对大气环境的影响分析[J].气象,37(12):1572-1577.
Li Xicang,Bai Meilan,Ma Yufeng,Liu Keli,Feng Xiaojing,Yang Jing,2011.Simulating the Influence of Urban Development on Atmospheric Environment in Hohhot City[J].Meteor Mon,37(12):1572-1577.