(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Analysis of the September 2011 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2011-10-26    修订日期:2011-11-02
中文摘要: 2011年9月大气环流主要特征如下:极涡呈单极型,中心略偏向西半球,中高纬度环流呈5波形分布,槽区分别位于北太平洋东北部、北美洲东部、北大西洋北部、欧洲东部、亚洲东北部。北太平洋东北部上空500 hPa高度场上有160 gpm的负距平。西北太平洋副热带高压面积较常年同期偏小,强度偏弱,西脊点位置偏东,脊线偏北。2011年9月全国平均气温16.4℃,比常年同期(16.0℃)偏高0.4℃;全国降水量为65.0 mm,接近常年同期(65.3 mm)。月内出现了3次较明显的冷空气过程和7次降水过程,有7个台风生成,其中“纳沙”登陆我国,造成重大灾害。
Abstract:The following are the main characteristics of the general circulation of atmosphere in September 2011. The polar center over the Northern Hemisphere is a single vortex pattern and deviated to the Western Hemisphere. The circulation presents a five wave pattern in middle high latitudes and the trough areas are over the northeast part of North Pacific, the east part of North America, the north part of North Atlantic, the east part of Europe and the northeast part of Asia, respectively. A negative anomaly with more than 160 gpm difference is found over the northeast part of North Pacific on the 500 hPa geopotential height field. The intensity of the subtropical high over the Northwest Pacific is weaker than the corresponding period of normal years. The location of west ridge spot is further east and north than normal years. The monthly mean temperature (16.4℃) is 0.4℃ higher than the same period of normal years and the mean precipitation (65.0 mm) is nearly the same as the value (65.3 mm) of normal years. In this month, there were 3 obvious cold air processes and 7 precipitation processes, 7 tropical cyclones generated, in which typhoon Nesat landed in China and resulted in heavy damages.
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Cao Yuenan,2011.Analysis of the September 2011 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,37(12):1589-1594.