(北京市人工影响天气办公室,北京 100089)
Features of Ground Humidity in the Downstream of Influence Area After Weather Modification Activities—Analyses on a Case in Beijing
(Beijing Weather Modification Office, Beijing 100089)
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投稿时间:2011-01-03    修订日期:2011-08-23
中文摘要: 2008年8月8日下午到夜间,针对北京地区西北部、西部和西南部强对流天气进行了人工影响天气作业。为了解大规模进行人工影响天气作业后下游地区地面湿度的变化情况,文章结合空中天气形势,利用北京城区和郊区215个自动站及非自动站资料进行降水分布研究,重点利用其有湿度记录的108个站资料,对大规模人工影响后的地面湿度变化结合同期降水资料进行分析,以期为今后大规模的人工影响天气提供实验依据。结果表明,2008年8月8日夜间北京地区引导气流为西南—东北向,天气系统基本沿西南—东北向移动,18:00—00:00的6小时累计降水量,呈东北—西南向带状分布,北京城区处在降水量比较少的“豁口”处,“鸟巢”无降水。人工影响天气部门在北京地区西南部进行大规人工模影响强对流天气作业。作业后,在大规模人工影响作业区下风方带状范围内,地面水汽压随时间具有明显的突变(地面水汽压突然减小,持续时间大致在25分钟左右),且这种突变从由西南向东北减弱,突变开始的时间逐渐推后。在带状中心轴线附近这种突变比较明显,远离中心轴线这种突变减弱,开始突变的时间也推后;而在带状范围外,则没有这种现象。究其原因,主要由于大规模发射火箭弹进行作业,一是火箭弹尾喷的播撒作用,二是尾喷激起的强大扰动作用,有利于大的雨滴降落,或迅速长大后降落,形成下沉气流,下沉气流将高层的干冷空气带到低层引起地面水汽压减小;此下沉气流沿着引导气流向下游传播,在传播过程中逐渐衰减。进一步分析2008年8月8日20时500 hPa风,根据此高度风速大小估算大规模作业区距离分析地面水汽压发生较大变化测站的时间,发现测站地面水汽压的发生较大变化时间与由上游空气柱移来的时间比较一致。
Abstract:In regard to the strong convection clouds from afternoon to night on 8 August 2008 in the northwest, west and southwest of Beijing area, weather modification activities were conducted to find out the changes of the surface humidity leeward after the large scale operations. In this paper, by means of the data obtained from 215 automatic as well as non automatic weather stations, the precipitation distribution was studied. Especially, by means of the data obtained from 108 weather stations with the humidity detection, the ground water vapor pressure every 5 min is calculated and analyzed, taking aim at the experimentation evidence for the large scale modification operations. The study shows that the leading airflow in the evening was southwest to northeast, and the weather system moved basically along the direction of southwest to northeast. Large scale weather modification operation was conducted in the southwest part of Beijing area. After the operation, in the zonal belt of the operation, the ground water vapor pressure changed with time abruptly (it suddently diminished after lasted about 25 min). The break change weakened from southeast to northwest and the start time of the change postponed. In the axis line of the zonal belt, the break change was smallest. Farther away from the axis line, the smaller the break was. Outside the zonal belt, such phenomenon did not occur. It was as if a dry air column moving from southwest to northeast. Without the weather modification activities on 8 August 2008, there would be no such phenomenon in the rain band backward position. Meanwhile, the causes for the above phenomena are analyzed, and some useful operational instructions are obtained.
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刘建忠,张 蔷,金 华,李宏宇,何 晖,2012.人工影响天气后下游地面湿度响应分析探讨[J].气象,38(3):314-321.
Liu Jianzhong,Zhang Qiang,Jin Hua,Li Hongyu,He Hui,2012.Features of Ground Humidity in the Downstream of Influence Area After Weather Modification Activities—Analyses on a Case in Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,38(3):314-321.