(1.天津滨海新区气象预警中心,天津 300457;2.南京信息工程大学,南京 210044)
Comparative Analysis of Boundary Layer Convergence Lines Triggering Convective Storm in Bohai Bay
(1.Binhai Meteorological Office of Tianjin, Tianjin 300457;2.Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044)
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投稿时间:2011-02-06    修订日期:2011-06-02
中文摘要: 本文对渤海湾2008—2009年,由大气边界层辐合线引起的对流风暴进行了分析。结果表明,在高温、高湿不稳定大气层结环境条件下:(1)单一的海风锋在其端点可产生对流性降水。(2)海风锋与弱冷锋相遇,或者两条海风锋相交,或者雷暴单体的出流边界与海风锋相遇均会产生强对流风暴。(3)渤海湾边界层辐合线触发对流风暴大多发生在每年7—8月,且在副热带高压控制渤海湾后东退的过程中,此时大气层结处在高温、高湿不稳定状态。辐合线触发的对流风暴是沿辐合线移动,移动方向取决于辐合线两侧的主导风向。 (4)边界层辐合线触发对流风暴,具有突发性强,持续时间短等特点,分析渤海湾边界层辐合线的移动与演变能提高强对流风暴的临近预报、预警,减少突发性天气引起的灾害。
Abstract:Boundary layer convergence lines caused convective storms in Bohai Bay during 2008-2009 were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) In the high temperature and high humidity environments under instable conditions of atmospheric stratification, a single land sea breeze convergence line is able to produce a weak convective storm in its endpoint. (2) The three cases that land sea breeze convergence line intersects the weak cold front, or two land sea breeze convergence lines intersect, or outflow boundary of thunderstorm meets with the boundary layer convergence line in coastal could produce strong convective storm. (3) Boundary layer convergence line triggering the convective storm in the Bohai Bay often occurs in July-August every year. Meanwhile, in the subtropical high eastward withdrawal process in the Bohai Bay, this atmospheric stratification maintains a high temperature, high humidity and instable condition. And then convergence line triggers convective storm, which moves along the convergence line, and its direction of movement depends on the dominant wind direction on both sides of convergence line. (4) Boundary layer convergence line triggering convective storm has its features of sudden, strong, and short duration. By analyzing the movement and evolution of land sea breeze convergence line, we may improve the nowcasting and warning of strong convective storm and reduce disasters.
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Zhao Jinxia,Xu Lingzhi,Lu Huanzhen,Fan Sudan,2012.Comparative Analysis of Boundary Layer Convergence Lines Triggering Convective Storm in Bohai Bay[J].Meteor Mon,38(3):336-343.