(1.北京市气象局,北京 100089;2.北京电力试验研究中心,北京 100075)
Temporal Spatial Distributive Characteristics of Power Grid Disasters and Their Relation with Meteorological Factors over Beijing
(1.Beijing Meteorological Service, Beijing 100089;2.Beijing Electric Power Testing Research Institute, Beijing 100075)
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投稿时间:2011-03-18    修订日期:2011-10-08
中文摘要: 根据北京电力试验研究院提供的北京市1996—2009年逐日电网灾害资料,采用统计分析的方法研究了该市电网灾害的时空分布特征及其成因,结果表明:电网灾害的灾种分布中雷暴造成电网灾害(后文简称雷害)的比例最大,占电网灾害总数的71.3%,其次为风害和覆冰,三者之和占北京市电网灾害总数的92.1%;从地域分布上看多发区主要集中西部的房山和北部的延庆、昌平、密云、朝阳等地区,而南部的大兴、通州的电网灾害则相对较少;从月分布可以看到电网灾害主要发生在6—9月,主要的几种电网灾害均呈现出不同的月变化特征。
Abstract:The spatio temporal distributive characteristics of power grid disasters during 1996-2009 in Beijing are investigated based on the disaster cases of power grid supplied by Beijing Electric Power Testing Research Institute. The results showed that lightning disaster (hereafter, it means the power grid disaster caused by lightning) is the main disaster in this area, accounting for 71.3% of the total power grid disasters. Adding with the relative important contribution of wind damage and icing disaster, the contribution can reach to 92.1%. And power grid disasters present significant regional distribution and seasonal character in Beijing; high incidence areas are located in Yanqing District, Changping District and Miyun District which are mainly centralized in the north of Beijing while the low incidence areas are concentrated in the south of Beijing including Daxing District, Tongzhou District. The seasonal distribution of power grid disasters is mainly concentrated in the period of June to September. Furthermore, through analysis some advices are given for improving the power network.
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甘 璐,叶 宽,张德山,丁 谊,2012.北京市电网灾害的时空分布特征及与气象因素的关系[J].气象,38(3):349-352.
Gan Lu,Ye Kuan,Zhang Deshan,Ding Yi,2012.Temporal Spatial Distributive Characteristics of Power Grid Disasters and Their Relation with Meteorological Factors over Beijing[J].Meteor Mon,38(3):349-352.