(1.广西壮族自治区气象台,南宁 530022;2.广西壮族自治区人工影响天气办公室,南宁 530022)
Comparative Analysis of Two Heavy Rainfall Events with Different Environmental Wind Field in the Western Part of South China
(1.Guangxi Meteorological Observatory, Nanning 530022;2.Guangxi Weather Modification Office, Nanning 530022)
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投稿时间:2011-11-28    修订日期:2012-05-30
中文摘要: 利用常规观测资料、FY 2C卫星TBB资料、自动站降水量以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对2009年7月3—4日(简称“09.7”)和2008年6月16—17日(简称“08.6”)两次发生在华南西部的低涡暴雨过程进行对比分析,结果表明:(1)低涡是两次暴雨过程的直接影响系统,“09.7”过程伴随西南低空急流,“08.6”过程无低空急流配合,中尺度辐合可能在两次强降水过程中有着直接的触发作用。(2)“09.7”过程的低层辐合强度及上升运动强度明显强于“08.6”过程。“09.7”过程较“08.6”过程,暖平流强度明显偏强,等温度平流线也较密集。(3)相比“08.6”过程,“09.7”过程水汽净流量更大,这是西南低空急流将充足水汽往暴雨区输送的结果。(4)“09.7”和“08.6”两次暴雨过程均与高空西风急流南侧的垂直环流圈密切相关,“09.7”过程由于低空有急流存在,上升运动维持时间长,降水强度大,历时长,“08.6”过程广西境内低空无急流,上升运动维持时间短,降水强度偏弱,历时短。
Abstract:Based on the conventional observational data, brightness temperature (TBB) data, automatical observational precipitation and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, two heavy rainfall processes triggered by low vortex in the western South China during 3-4 July 2009 and 16-17 June 2008 respectively were compared and analyzed. The major conclusions can be drawn as follows: (1) The low vortex was the direct influencing system of these two heavy rainfall processes, the strong southwest jet at low levels was accompanied in the July 2009 process, but not in the June 2008 process. Mesoscale convergence may have a direct triggering effect on these two heavy rainfalls. (2) In the July 2009 process, the intensity of low level convergence was stronger than that in the June 2008 process, so was the intensity of the upward motion and warm advection, and the temperature advection lines were more dense.(3) The net transport of water vapor was more in the July 2009 process than that in the June 2008 process, as a result of the sufficient water vapor transport to the storm area by the southwest low level jet. (4) Both storm processes are closely related to the vertical circulation south of the westerly jet at the high altitude. In the July 2009 process, because of the low level, the upward motion maintains longer than that in the June 2008 process, the intensity of rainfall stronger, and its duration longer.
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基金项目:中国气象局预报员专项项目(CMAYBY2011 040)资助
GAO Anning,LAI Zhenquan,ZHANG Ruibo,CHEN Jian,CHEN Weibin,2013.Comparative Analysis of Two Heavy Rainfall Events with Different Environmental Wind Field in the Western Part of South China[J].Meteor Mon,39(1):11-19.