(1.上海市气象局,上海 200030;2.中国气象局上海台风研究所,上海 200030;3.上海市气象信息与技术支持中心,上海 200030;4.上海市宝山区气象局,上海 201901)
Comparison of Wind Data Measured by Shanghai Network Wind Profilers and Baoshan GFE(L) 1 Sounding Radar
(1.Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, Shanghai 200030;2.Shanghai Typhoon Institute, CMA, Shanghai 200030;3.Shanghai Meteorological Information and Technical Support Centre, Shanghai 200030;4.Shanghai Baoshan District Meteorological Bureau, Shanghai 201901)
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投稿时间:2012-04-27    修订日期:2012-12-10
中文摘要: 文章利用上海边界层风廓线雷达网中3台分别布设在松江泖港和嘉定F1赛车场的TWP3型风廓线雷达以及嘉定外岗的LAP3000型风廓线雷达,在2010年初冬和2011年盛夏各一个月时段的连续原始测风数据,逐个与上海宝山GFE(L) 1 型二次探空雷达在相同时段中的原始测风数据进行了对比分析研究。并且还将同布设在嘉定地区的两台不同型号的风廓线雷达进行了测风数据的互比分析。在基本稳定的天气条件下,嘉定F1赛车场、松江泖港以及嘉定外岗风廓线雷达各自与宝山GFE(L) 1型二次雷达探空测风数据进行对比分析的匹配样本数依次是6733、7350和7013对,其在盛夏时段对比统计的各层风速的平均标准差分别是3.34、3.37和4.03 m·s-1,在初冬时段则为3.22、3.22和3.42 m·s-1。参与互比分析的F1赛车场TWP3型风廓线雷达和外岗LAP3000型风廓线雷达之间的匹配样本数是71981对,其在盛夏时段互比统计的风速平均标准差是3.63 m·s-1,在初冬时段为4.12 m·s-1。有统计曲线表明,本研究中两台TWP3型风廓线雷达与宝山GFE(L) 1型二次雷达探空测风的误差均为2~4 m·s-1,其比对精度明显优于嘉定外岗的LAP3000型风廓线雷达。文章还提出了风廓线雷达的“有效探测高度”新概念。
Abstract:This paper compares the wind data measured and obtained by two TWP3 and one LAP3000 wind profilers located in Jiading and Songjiang areas within Shanghai profiler network in the winter period from 28 October to 28 November 2010 and in the summer time from 1 to 3 July 31 2011 to those measured by Baoshan GFE(L) 1 sounding radar system during the corresponding periods. Furthermore, the wind data probed by two different types of profilers in Jiading area are also compared with each other. The amount of wind data samples obtained under the stable weather conditions for the comparisons between the two types of wind profilers are 71981 pairs, and the total samples comparison of two TWP3 and one LAP3000 profilers with the 〖JP2〗Baoshan GFE(L) 1 radar data are 6733, 7350 and 7013 pairs, respectively. The results indicate that the average wind speed standard deviations between the TWP3 and LAP3000 are 3.63 and 4.12 m·s-1 for the two correspording sampling periods above, respectively. The statistic average standard deviations of wind speed in the summer sampling period for Jiading TWP3, Songjiang TWP3, Jiading LAP3000 profilers compared separately to Baoshan GFE(L) 1 sounding radar data are 3.34, 3.37 and 4.03 m·s-1, sequentially. However, in the winter sampling time, those averaged values of the above said comparing events are 3.22, 3.22 and 3.42 m·s-1. According to the statistic curves, the standard deviation for the two TWP3 wind profilers is 2 to 4 m·s-1 when they are compared to Baoshan GFE(L) 1 sounding radar data. Obviously, the two TWP3 profilers have a better system performance than the LAP3000 profiler. A new concept of “efficient sounding height” related to wind profiler radars also is presented for the first time in the paper.
文章编号:     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
WU Zhigen,XU Tong,DING Ruoyang,HU Ping,CHEN Haojun,ZHA Yafeng,SUN Juan,XIA Weizu,2013.Comparison of Wind Data Measured by Shanghai Network Wind Profilers and Baoshan GFE(L) 1 Sounding Radar[J].Meteor Mon,39(3):370-376.