(1.南京信息工程大学,南京 210044;2.中国气象局气象探测中心,北京 100081;3.广东省大气探测技术中心,广州 510080)
Study of the Precise Positioning of Weather Radar Coordinates Based on GNSS Technology
(1.Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044;2.CMA Meteorological Observation Centre, Beijing 100081;3.Guangdong Atmospheric Observation Technology Centre, Guangzhou 510080)
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投稿时间:2012-03-07    修订日期:2012-08-14
中文摘要: 天气雷达天线馈源的精确定位关系到雷达数据的精确使用和天气雷达全网拼图的使用效果。目前,国内新一代天气雷达天线馈源坐标基本都是使用GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System)系统中的美国GPS(Global Position System)系统接收机,在雷达塔楼楼顶单点瞬时定位测量得到的,误差一般大于30 m。为了提高定位精度,将GPS 精确定位技术与全站仪测量相对高度结合起来,提出了一种测量天气雷达的馈源坐标的方法,可使天线馈源的海拔高度测量精度达到10 m以内。使用这种方法对北京市气象局 S波段新一代天气雷达天线馈源坐标进行了实地测量,精度达到设计要求。
Abstract:The precise using of the weather radar data and the using effect of the weather radar mosaic observation are based on the precise positioning of the radar antenna feed coordinates. At present, antenna feed coordinates of the new generation weather radar are measured basically by single point positioning method of the American GPS (Global Position System) which is one kind of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), and the measurement error is generally more than 30 m. In order to improve the positioning accuracy, a new method to measure the weather radar antenna feed coordinates is proposed in this article. The GPS precise positioning technology and total station measuring technology are combined in the method, which can improve the accuracy of measuring the altitude of the weather radar antenna feed, making the error less than 10 m. The new generation weather radar feed coordinates of the Beijing Meteorological Bureau are measured with this method, and the measurement accuracy meets the design requirements.
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CHEN Yubao,AN Tao,HU Heng,LI Jianyong,GAO Yuchun,2013.Study of the Precise Positioning of Weather Radar Coordinates Based on GNSS Technology[J].Meteor Mon,39(3):389-393.