(1.厦门市专业气象台,厦门 361012;2.福建省气象科学研究所,福州 350001;3.福建省环境监测中心站,福州 350003)
Analysis on Variation Characteristics of Low Visibility Events in the Coastal Areas of Southern Fujian
(1.Xiamen Specialized Weather Station of Fujian, Xiamen 361012;2.Fujian Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Fuzhou 350001;3.Fujian Environmental Monitoring Centre, Fuzhou 350003)
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投稿时间:2012-03-27    修订日期:2012-11-19
中文摘要: 利用2005—2010年闽南沿海地区9个气象站(厦门、同安、漳州、东山、漳浦、龙海、诏安、晋江和崇武)的日常观测能见度、相对湿度等气象资料,采用统计方法,探讨了闽南沿海地区低能见度事件的年、季和日变化等变化特征规律。分析发现,闽南沿海地区低能见度事件的年平均能见度一般在6 km左右,且低能见度在霾时总体要好于(轻)雾时;上半年低能见度事件持续时间较长且多发,下半年低能见度事件持续时间短且出现频率低于上半年。通常,08时的能见度最差,14时和20时转好,02时的能见度较08时要好,只有沿海测站东山站和崇武站在冬春季02时能见度较08时差。霾是造成闽南沿海地区出现低能见度事件的主要原因,(轻)雾次之,反映出该地区经济快速发展对能见度的影响。
Abstract:The observation data of visibility and relative humility during 2005-2010 from 9 weather stations located in Xiamen, Tong’an, Zhangzhou, Dongshan, Zhangpu, Longhai, Zhao’an, Jinjiang and Chongwu were used to analyze the annual, seasonal and daily variation characteristics of low visibility events seen in the coastal region of southern Fujian Province with the statistical method. Through comparative analyses, it was found that the annual average low visibility was about 6 km and the visibility was better when haze occurred than when mist or fog occurred. During the first half of the year, low visibility lasted for a longer time and the frequency was high. On the contrary, during the second half of the year, low visibility lasted shorter and the frequency was low. Usually, the visibility at 08:00 was the lowest and improved at 14:00 and 20:00. The visibility at 02:00 was better than at 08:00. But Dongshan and Chongwu had poorer visibility at 02:00 than at 08:00 in winter and spring. It is concluded that haze is the primary reason that causes the low visibility events in coastal areas in southern Fujian and the mist is the second reason. All the above reveals that the rapid developing economy in this region has significant impacts on the atmospheric visibility.
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WANG Xiaofu,LIN Changcheng,CHEN Xiaoqiu,WANG Hong,CHEN Binbin,2013.Analysis on Variation Characteristics of Low Visibility Events in the Coastal Areas of Southern Fujian[J].Meteor Mon,39(4):453-459.