(1.南京信息工程大学,南京 210044;2.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081,;3.云南大学,昆明 650091;4.中国气象科学研究院,北京 100081)
Numerical Simulation Study on the Impact of Topographic Forcing on the Disaster Rainstorm in West China in September 2011
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投稿时间:2012-10-18    修订日期:2013-02-18
中文摘要: 运用GRAPES_Meso模式对2011年9月16—18日发生在陕西、四川的连续特大致洪暴雨过程进行数值模拟。通过对比3套敏感性试验结果,揭示了气流与地形相互作用对本次致灾暴雨的影响,结果如下:(1)16—18日在台风和蒙古高压共同影响下,850 hPa在黄、渤海形成偏东水汽通道,使大量水汽经华北平原输送至华西地区,气流被秦岭分割为南北两支,北支在秦岭北侧受到迎风坡阻挡,形成强迫抬升和水汽辐合中心;南支暖湿气流从东部灌入汉中平原,受到“喇叭口”地形挤压而辐合上升。(2)平原与高大山脉的交错相间地形导致条带状正负垂直运动带产生,在垂直方向上形成强烈的抽吸作用,加之该地区16—18日丰沛的水汽交汇,从而引发大范围强降水。(3)海拔高度与地表起伏度均对降雨有较大影响,在同样海拔情况下,地表起伏度越大,就越容易产生暴雨。
Abstract:Using the GRAPES_Meso model, the numerical simulation about the persistent flood rainstorm is carried out in Shaanxi and Sichuan Provinces from 16 to 18 September 2011. By comparing the three sets of sensitivity test results, it is revealed that the interaction between the airflow and the terrain contributes to the disaster rainstorm, and the detailed results are as follows: (1) by the common influence of typhoon and Mongolia high pressure during 16 to 18 September, an eastern water vapor channel is formed over the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea at 850 hPa, making a large quantity of moisture through the North China Plain transported to the West China region. The vapor is divided into two parts by Qinling Mountain: the north one and the south one. The north vapor is blocked and uplifted by Qinling Mountain and forms a water vapor convergence center. The south one enters the Hanzhong Plain and is influenced by the “bell mouth” terrain, which results in convergence and upward. (2) The parallel alternate ridges and valleys create positive and negative vertical wind band, forming a strong suction effect in the vertical direction, and moreover a plenty of water vapor convergence occurs in the same area, triggering the large scale severe precipitation. (3) The altitude and the sufface relief have great influence on rainfalls, and the greater the surface relief is when the altitude is the same, the easier rainstorm occurs.
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LIU Jiyan,MAO Longjiang,NIU Tao,CHEN Miao,LIU Hongli,WANG Jizhi,2013.Numerical Simulation Study on the Impact of Topographic Forcing on the Disaster Rainstorm in West China in September 2011[J].Meteor Mon,39(8):975-987.