(1.安徽省气象信息中心,合肥 230031;2.安徽省气象局,合肥 230031)
Data Processing Methods of Double Automatic Stations Based on Space Consistency Check
(1.Anhui Meteorological Information Centre, Hefei 230031;2.Anhui Meteorological Bureau, Hefei 230031)
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投稿时间:2012-03-20    修订日期:2012-12-09
中文摘要: 国家级台站自动气象站双套运行后,将双套站产生的多套数据处理为一套数据的算法成为双套站投入业务运行前必须解决的重要问题。文章从数据“热备份”角度提出了基于空间一致性的主备法,在此基础上进一步从统计学基本原理以及保证数据连续角度提出了基于空间一致性的差值订正合成法两种数据处理算法。利用安徽省休宁站逐小时气温资料对两种算法结果的完整性和差异性进行了评估,评估使用的方法包括缺测率、差值均值、差值标准差、差值的一致率、超差率和粗差率等。评估结果表明:算法均能很好地保证数据的完整性;算法结果均与“真值”较为接近,基本能够反映大气真实情况,基于差值订正的“合成法”结果更优。最后利用新疆库车、安徽安庆等5个台站资料对算法涉及到的空间一致性方法进行了评估,结果表明该方法总体效果较好,尤其在相对湿度、气压和气温上具有很好的判别效果,而风速可能受局地地形或参考站选取影响效果略差。
Abstract:Since national automatic weather stations were run in dual sets, the algorithm to make multiple sets of data generated by the double automatic stations into one set of data has become an important issue that must be resolved before the double stations are put into operation. This article presents the master and slave law based on the space consistency from the standpoint of the data of “hot spare”, and also presents two data processing algorithms based on revised synthesis method according to spatial consistency difference from basic statistical principles and the angle to ensure that the data are continuous. We evaluate the integrity and differences of the results by the two algorithms using the hourly temperature data from Xiuning Station. Many assessment methods are used including missing rate, the mean of difference values, the standard deviation of difference values, the consistency rate of difference, ultra slip and coarse slip etc. The results show that both of the two algorithms can guarantee the integrity of the data well, and the results of these algorithms are closer to the “true value” and also can reflect the true situation of the atmosphere. Comparatively, however, the result based on the difference between the revised synthesis is better. Finally, the double station observation data collected from Kuche, Anqing and other three stations are used to assess the spatial consistency method which involves the algorithm. It is indicated that this method is effective in general. Especially, it has a better discriminant ability in humidity, pressure and temperature, but is less effective in distinguishing wind speed, which may be affected by local topography or the impact of selected reference stations.
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WEN Huayang,HUA Liansheng,JIN Suwen,XU Guangqing,WANG Labao,HU Wen,2013.Data Processing Methods of Double Automatic Stations Based on Space Consistency Check[J].Meteor Mon,39(8):1069-1075.