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(1.中国科学院计算地球动力学重点实验室,北京100049;2.中国科学院计算地球动力学重点实验室,北京100049,上海大学空间遥感与空间信息科学研究中心,上海 200072;3.中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心,北京 100094;4.上海大学空间遥感与空间信息科学研究中心,上海 200072)
Analysis of Drought in North China Based on Evapotranspiration Drought Index
(1.Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics of CAS, Beijing 100049;2.Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics of CAS, Beijing 100049,Research Center of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Scicnce, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072;3.Center for Earth Observation and Digtial Earth of CAS, Beijing 100094;4.Research Center of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Scicnce, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072)
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投稿时间:2012-11-09    修订日期:2012-03-07
中文摘要: 本文利用卫星遥感资料以及常规气象资料驱动基于地表净辐射、植被指数、平均气温和日温差的蒸散模型来估测日实际蒸散量,并与栾城站涡动相关法测量的实际蒸散作对比验证。定性分析了实际蒸散与各相关影响因子的时空变化规律;通过蒸散干旱指数(EDI)分析华北地区的干旱分布特点,并分别与PDSI指数和降水距平百分率作对比。结果表明:ET模型估测的蒸散值与实测值的相关性很好,其模拟精度对于大面积干旱监测的空间尺度上是可用的;EDI距平指数表征干旱分布的空间分辨率较高,且对旱情的指示和干旱程度的判定比较可靠。
Abstract:Daily actual evapotranspiration is estimated based on surface net radiation, vegetation index, mean temperature and daily temperature difference by using satellite remote sensing data and routine meteorological data. Also, the estimated ET is compared with the measured ET using eddy covariance method at Luancheng Station. Besides, the temporal and spatial variation of actual evapotranspiration and its impact factors are analyzed qualitatively. According to the evapotranspiration drought index (EDI), the distribution characteristics of drought in North China is analyzed and compared to Palmer index and precipitation anomaly percentage respectively. The results show that the estimated evapotranspiration through the ET model correlates well with the measured ET and the estimation is acceptable for assessing the drought conditions in large areas. In addition, the EDI anomaly can reflect a higher spatial resolution of drought pattern and is reliable in the indication and judgment of drought.
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SHAO Xiaolu,YAO Fengmei,ZHANG Jiahua,LI Xianhua,2013.Analysis of Drought in North China Based on Evapotranspiration Drought Index[J].Meteor Mon,39(9):1154-1162.