(兰州大学大气科学学院, 半干旱气候变化教育部重点实验室,兰州 730000)
Evaluation on Tourism Climate Comfort in Nine Famous Mountain Scenic Spots in Chinese Mainland
(Key Laboratory of Semi Arid Climate Change, Ministry of Education, College of Atmospheric Sciences,Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000)
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投稿时间:2012-05-05    修订日期:2012-12-06
中文摘要: 气候舒适度及持续时间的长短,是决定旅游资源质量和旅游季节长短的重要因素。本文采用以温湿指数、风寒指数和着衣指数为基础的综合气候舒适度评价模型,计算了我国具有代表性的九大名山风景区的气候舒适度指数,划分出适宜旅游的等级和时段,并对其随纬度的变化进行了分析。结果表明:位于我国北方的长白山和五台山,气候舒适度年变化呈倒“V”形,舒适期较短,长白山旅游舒适期为6—8月,五台山较舒适期为6—8月;位于我国中部的华山、泰山、黄山和峨眉山,气候舒适度年变化呈倒“U”形,旅游舒适期均为6—9月;位于我国南方的庐山、武夷山和桂林山水,气候舒适度年变化呈“M”形,舒适期较长,庐山旅游舒适期为5—10月,武夷山和桂林山水的旅游舒适期为3—4月与10—11月。
Abstract:Climate comfort degree is very important to the development of tourism and it is also a major factor affecting the duration of tourism season. This paper employs a comprehensive climate comfort evaluation model, which is based on temperature humidity index (THI), wind chill index (WCI) and index of clothing (ICL). We select nine famous mountain scenic areas which are typical in China sceneries and analyze climate comfort degree according to the new model. Then the grades of fitness and its temporal distribution are classified. The climate comfort degree of each season and north south variation are analyzed, too. Nine famous mountains are divided into three types based on the distribution of comfort period in a year. The results indicate that: The variation of comprehensive comfort index of Changbai Mountain and Wutai Mountain, which are located in the northern part of China, is like an inverted “V” and the comfortable period is short. The most comfortable period of Changbai Mountain is from June to August and more comfortable tourism period of Wutai Mountain is from June to August. The variation of comprehensive comfort index of Emei Mountain, Huangshan Mountain, Taishan Mountain and Huashan Mountain, which are located in the central part of China, looks like an inverted “U”. And their comfortable tourism period is from June to September. The variation of comprehensive comfort index of Lushan Mountain, Wuyi Mountain and Guilin Landscape, which are located in the southern part of China, looks like an “M” and the comfortable period is the longest. Lushan Mountain’s tourism comfortable period is from May to October, Wuyi Mountain and Guilin Landscape’s tourism comfortable period is from March to April and from October to November.
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基金项目:公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201106034)、“中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金”自由探索项目(lzujbky 2012 123)和国家自然科学基金项目(41075103)共同资助
ZHANG Ying,MA Minjin,WANG Shigong,SHANG Kezheng,2013.Evaluation on Tourism Climate Comfort in Nine Famous Mountain Scenic Spots in Chinese Mainland[J].Meteor Mon,39(9):1221-1226.