(1.天津市气象台,天津 300074;2.中国气象局气象影视中心,北京 100081)
Effect of Urban Heat Island and Sea Breeze Front Superimposition on a Local Heavy Rainfall
(1.Tianjin Meteorological Observatory, Tianjin 300074;2.Huafeng Meteorological Media Group, CMA, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2012-05-18    修订日期:2013-04-25
中文摘要: 利用常规观测资料、天津255 m气象塔资料、多普勒雷达资料和VDRAS反演资料及中尺度TJ WRF模式输出资料,对2010年8月16日天津城区出现的一次局地强降水过程进行分析,重点分析了城市热岛与海风锋叠加作用对此次局地强降水的触发机制。结果表明:此次局地强降水发生在低层槽后弱的反环流条件下,具有明显的γ中尺度对流降水特征;城市热岛效应能造成局地的热力不均匀,这对形成地面中尺度辐合线非常有利。海风锋由岸边向市区移动中与中尺度辐合线相遇,能激发局地不稳定能量的释放,从而产生强对流天气。城市热岛对海风锋的移动有明显阻挡作用;当海风锋移到城市热岛效应明显区域附近时,其后侧气流会出现明显分支绕流和爬升现象,而且两者相遇处的辐合上升运动会迅速加强,这为该地不稳定能量的释放及雷暴的发生发展提供了有利的动力热力条件。中尺度TJ WRF模式可以很好地模拟出这一现象。
Abstract:Using the data obtained by conventional observations, the data collected at a 255 m tower during an atmospheric boundary layer experiment in Tianjin, Doppler radar observations, VDRAS data and mesoscale TJ WRF model data, we analyze the heavy rainfall which occurred on 16 August 2010 in the urban area of Tianjin and highlight the superimposition of urban heat island and sea breeze front and trigger mechanism of local heavy precipitation caused by it. The results show that the local severe precipitation occurs under weak anti circulation conditions after low level trough, and precipitation has obvious characteristics of meso γ scale convection. Urban heat island effect can cause uneven distribution of local thermal, which is very favorable for the formation of the ground mesoscale convergence line. When moving from the shore to the urban, the sea breeze front encounters the ground mesoscale convergence line, being able to stimulate the local unstable energy release and resulting in severe convective weather. Urban heat island can block the movement of the sea breeze front. When the sea breeze front moves near the area with obvious urban heat island effect its rear airflow will be changed into branch flows, climbing. Meanwhile in the meeting place, the convergence and upward motion get strengthened rapidly, providing favorable dynamic and thermodynamic conditions for unstable energy to release and thunderstorm to develop. The mesoscale TJ WRF model can simulate this phenomenon very well.
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DONG Gaohong,LIU Yiwei,SUN Mina,DAI Yunwei,2013.Effect of Urban Heat Island and Sea Breeze Front Superimposition on a Local Heavy Rainfall[J].Meteor Mon,39(11):1422-1430.