(1.北京大学物理学院大气与海洋科学系,北京 100871;2.民航西北空中交通管理局宁夏分局,银川 750009;3.民航青岛空中交通管理站,青岛 266108)
Study on Characteristics of Vertical Wind Field in Lower Atmosphere over Shanghai Pudong International Airport
(1.Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871;2.Ningxia Sub Bureau of Northwest Air Traffic Management Bureau, CAAC, Yinchuan 750009;3.Qingdao Air Traffic Management Station, CAAC, Qingdao 266108)
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投稿时间:2011-06-09    修订日期:2013-03-15
中文摘要: 风廓线雷达资料具有较高的时间和空间分辨率,但多集中于强对流性天气的预报和分析。文章主要将该资料应用于低层大气风场结构的研究和分析中。利用2009年1月至2010年6月共计18个月的上海浦东国际机场LAP 3000边界层风廓线雷达探测的水平风速风向资料,根据差值后的每小时平均的风速、风向进行统计分析(垂直分辨率50 m),发现风速极大值出现的高度具有重复性,主要出现在1000、600、500、450、550和250 m,相邻两层之间的风矢量变差的极大值主要出现在250和300 m之间。按照国际民航组织建议的的水平风的垂直切变强度标准,将各个层次之间的风矢量进行统计分类,有轻度、中度、强烈、严重四个等级的风切变,同时发现不同等级的风切变的发生具有明显的季节特征。对于浦东国际机场区域的低层垂直风场的特征及演变情况初步的分析和探讨,为今后可以更好地结合AMDAR资料、电子探空仪、微波辐射计等探测手段针对机场区域甚至是内陆部分机场关于风切变的精细化预报、预警服务的研究奠定了一定的基础。
Abstract:The wind profiler radar data has high temporal and spatial resolution, but is more used in the forecasts and analysis about the strong convective weather. This paper uses the horizontal wind speed and direction data of LAP 3000 boundary layer wind profile radar from January 2009 to June 2010 over Pudong International Airport in the study and analysis of the wind field stucture of the low level atmosphere. The original data with vertical interpolating (the vertical resolution is 50 m in the altitude range from 150 m to 3250 m, and the time interval is about 15 min), are analyzed statistically. The results show that the maximum values of wind speed appear mainly in the following height: 1000 m, 600 m, 500 m, 450 m, 550 m and 250 m, and the maximum value of wind vector difference between two adjacent layers is between 250 m and 300 m. According to the vertical shear intensity standards of horizontal wind recommented by International Civil Aviation Organiztaion (ICAO), the wind vector difference between different adjacent layers is counted up and divided into mild, medium, strong and severe grades. The results show that the seasonal distribution of different grade wind shear is pronounced. These conclusions are beneficial to the study on detailed forecasting, and warning of the lower wind shear at airport and even inland airport area based on AMDAR data, microwave radiometer, electric radiosonde and so on.
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WANG Haixia,ZHANG Hongsheng,LI Yunfeng,BAI Jingjiang,PAN Jiangyong,2013.Study on Characteristics of Vertical Wind Field in Lower Atmosphere over Shanghai Pudong International Airport[J].Meteor Mon,39(11):1500-1506.