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(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Analysis of Atmosphere Circulation and Weather in August 2013
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2013-09-22    修订日期:2013-09-26
中文摘要: 2013年8月环流特征如下:极涡呈单极型分布、贝加尔湖以东地区为明显负高度距平,我国中高纬多短波槽活动,东北冷涡活动频繁,西太平洋副热带高压强度较常年偏强、偏西。8月全国平均降水量101.0 mm,较常年同期(105.3 mm)偏少4.1%;全国平均气温22.0℃,较常年同期(20.8℃)偏高1.2℃,与2006年并列为1961年来同期最高。8月我国的大范围强降水过程有7次。月内东北地区暴雨过程频繁,共出现5次局地强降水过程,造成松花江、嫩江和黑龙江流域等出现大范围洪涝灾害。8月共有6个热带气旋在南海和西北太平洋活动,其中“飞燕”、“尤特”和“潭美”等3个热带气旋在我国登陆。我国黄淮西部及淮河以南大部地区出现35℃以上异常高温天气,其中黄淮西部、江淮大部、江汉、江南以及广西北部、重庆、贵州东部、四川东部、新疆南部和东部最高气温普遍达38~40℃,部分地区超过40℃。
Abstract:The main characteristics of the general atmospheric circulation in August 2013 are as follows: The polar vortex took the form of one single pole surrounding the North Pole and the geopotential height to the east of Lake Baikal had distinct minus anomaly. The upper troughs and northeast cold vortex in North China were active. The Northwest Pacific subtropical high was stronger than normal. The monthly mean precipitation amount was 101.0 mm, which is 4.1% more than normal. The monthly mean temperature was 22.0℃, being 1.2℃ higher than normal and it is the warmest August (same as 2006) since 1961. There were 7 large range heavy rainfall processes over China in this month. Heavy rainfall frequently appeared in Northeast China and due to the 5 local severe precipitation events, flood disasters attacked Songhua River, Nenjiang River and Heilongjiang River. Six tropical cyclones appeared over the South China Sea and Northwest Pacific and three of them landed China. Abnormal high temperature weather occurred in the west of Huanghuai area and the major part to the south of Huaihe River with the maximum temperature of many places reaching 38-40℃ and even higher than 40℃ in some local areas.
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YANG Shunan,HE Lifu,2013.Analysis of Atmosphere Circulation and Weather in August 2013[J].Meteor Mon,39(11):1521-1528.