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(国家气象中心,北京 100081)
Analysis of the December 2013 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather
(National Meteorological Centre, Beijing 100081)
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投稿时间:2014-01-30    修订日期:2014-02-18
中文摘要: 2013年12月大气环流主要特征是:极涡呈偶极性分布,中心气压均较常年平均偏低,欧亚中高纬环流呈两槽一脊型;南支槽较活跃,平均位置大致位于90°E附近,副热带高压较常年同期偏强,位置偏西、偏北。12月,全国平均降水量为15.4 mm,较常年同期(10.5 mm)偏多46.7%;但地区差异较大,南方较常年同期偏多2~4成,淮河以北偏少,其中华北、黄淮等地几乎无降水。全国平均气温为-2.8℃,较常年同期(-3.2℃)偏高0.4℃;就区域来看,呈现“北暖南冷”的特征。月内,我国出现3次主要的冷空气过程和1次主要的降水过程。南方地区中旬出现一次大范围强降水和持续低温天气;中东部地区分别于上旬和下旬各出现一次雾霾天气。
Abstract:The following are the main characteristics of the general circulation of atmosphere in December 2013: There are two polar vortex centers in the Northern Hemisphere with the weaker strength than normal years. The circulation presents the trough ridge trough pattern in middle high latitudes. The south branch trough behaves actively, and is located near 90°E averagely. The subtropical high is stronger than normal years. Besides, it is located more westward and northward than normal years. The monthly mean precipitation is 15.4 mm, 46.7% more than normal (10.5 mm). In addition, significant difference is found in different areas: The precipitation in the major part of southern China is 20%-40% more than normal. The precipitation in the northern part to Huaihe River is less than normal, and especially, there is almost no any effective rainfall in the North of China and Huanghuai Region. The monthly mean temperature is -2.8℃, 0.4℃ higher than normal (-3.2℃) which presents a regional characteristic, i.e., the weather is warm in North China and cold in South China. There are three cold air processes nationwide and one major rainfall process in this month. There is a large scale obvious rainfall event and persisting low temperature weather in the southern China. Meanwhile, the fog and the haze appear in the central and eastern part of China.
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LV Mengyao,HE Lifu,2014.Analysis of the December 2013 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather[J].Meteor Mon,40(3):381-388.