(1 安徽省九华山气象台,九华山 242811;2 九华山风景区管委会,九华山 242811)
Analysis on Precipitation Differences Between Jiuhua Mountains and Its Surrounding Regions
(1 Jiuhua Mountain Meteorological Observatory of Anhui Province, Jiuhua Mountain 242811;2 Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area Management Committee of Anhui Province, Jiuhua Mountains 242811)
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投稿时间:2012-11-29    修订日期:2013-09-05
中文摘要: 本文基于1980—2010年30年观测资料及山区不同高度的自动站数据,运用天气学理论和数理统计的分析方法,研究九华山区与周边丘陵区域降水的分布差异及其成因。结果表明:不同区域(地形)的降水时空分布很不均匀,九华山年降水量比丘陵区域多34.1%,且主要降水集中在5—9月。造成山区与周边丘陵区域降水的明显差异主要是两地的局地水汽输送条件和垂直运动条件存在明显的差别,它们对降水效应主要为:海拔>200 m的山体对降水产生影响,且降水量随海拔的升高而增大,并以海拔在400~900 m对降水的增强作用最为显著;山区地形对降水的增雨作用较为明显,地形对降水的平均贡献率为37.6%,并有强度越大的降水,其增强作用越明显的特点。分析不同区域降水分布差异及成因对于降水区域预报和水资源研究应用有着重要的参考作用。
Abstract:Based on nearly 30 year’ observational data and automatic weather station data at different altitudes during 1980-2010, and using weather science theory and mathematical statistics, the precipitation distribution difference and its formation cause between Jiuhua Mountains and its surrounding hills are studied in this paper. The results show that: the spatio temporal distributions of precipitation in different regions are very uneven, and the average annual rainfall in Jiuhua Mountaions is 34.1% more than the surrounding areas, and precipitation mainly is concentrated in May to September. The formation cause mainly exists in the difference between the local water vapor transport conditions and the vertical motion condition in different regions and it affects precipitation when the terrain elevation is higher than 200 m, and rainfall increasing with the increase of altitude, and the enhancement effect on precipitation is the most obvious in 400-900 m height. The terrain effect on rainfall is more significant in mountains, and its average contribution rate is 37.6%. The greater the intensity of precipitation, the more obvious of its effect. Analysis on the differences and the causes of the different regional precipitation distribution offers an important reference to the regional forecasts of rainfall and water resources research applications.
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DING Renhai,DING Xin,2014.Analysis on Precipitation Differences Between Jiuhua Mountains and Its Surrounding Regions[J].Meteor Mon,40(4):458-465.